Page 7 of Deke Me

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DidI just tell the woman who has been trying to marry me off since birth that I have a girlfriend? Christ. I’m an idiot. This is like dangling a string of yarn before a cat and telling it not to play with it. The temptation is too much. Mom will take this information and run with it until the entire skein unravels.

But I panicked. Amanda was the first thing to come to mind when Mom said she had another girl for me. Her title, albeit fake, flew off my tongue before I could rein it in. I blame my fear of spiders for this. I’m still shell-shocked from the last date Mom tried setting me up with. Cold chills skate along my spine.

I flash my gaze to the woman in question. Amanda stares at me, her exquisite eyes narrowing with curiosity as she stands across from me, holding a stack of textbooks that cost more than my hockey gear.

“Excuse me,” Mom asks. “What did you say?”

Well, I’m committed now.

“I have a girlfriend.”

There’s a pause, and I think I’m off the hook until she says, “No, you don’t. You’re just trying to get out of it.” She tsks. “I met this lovely young woman at the country club yesterday, and I think you two would hit it off splendidly. She’ll attend the dinner, so you’ll get to meet her.”

I grit my teeth. How many times is Mom going to set me up? I have to end this desperate attempt now. It’s gotten past the point of ridiculousness.

“That will be awkward since my girlfriend dislikes sharing.”

Amanda’s mouth drops. A cue that I need to end this call and get the fuck out of here.

“You don’t have a girlfriend.” Mom’s stern voice deepens, and I can imagine her perfectly coiffed light brown hair and elegant demeanor as she speaks.

“I do,” I say, a little offended that my mom doesn’t trust me. Like, what the hell? I may have a weird aversion to relationships, but the thought of me settling down isn’t unbelievable.

“Then bring her.” Mom hangs up, leaving me to stare at my cell.

Fuck.I really do need a date. If I show up alone, I’ll never hear the end of it.

“Should I even ask?” Amanda’s voice holds humor.

“My parents requested I join them for dinner on Saturday.”More like summoned.Family dinners were never just simple gatherings; they always came with strings attached.

“Oh, yeah. You’re a local boy. I always forget you went to school with Maddy and Ryan.”

I nod and study her for a moment. Does she not realize who my family is? I thought everyone knew about my lineage: Blake Morton, heir to the Morton Textile Incorporation—the oldest textile company in the States.

I take a humbling breath. “Yeah, I’m from a suburb not too far.”

“Wait, did you mean this Saturday?”

“The very one.”

“Wouldn’t they be at your game? How would you have time to go back for dinner?”

My eyes grow cold. “You’d think.” I shake off the concern. The last thing I needed was to dwell on the impossible. Dinner is Saturday, and they expect me to be there.

With a date.


I clear my throat. “Anyway, she wants me to bring my new girlfriend.”

“Oh. That sounds rough,” Amanda says sympathetically. Her dark brown hair falls over one shoulder as she tilts her head. “Well, good luck with that.”

“Actually,” I start, flashing her my sexiest smile. “She’ll be thrilled to meet my new girlfriend.”

Amanda raises her eyebrows, a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Oh, really?”
