Page 10 of Joey

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“Yoga,” Ethan explained. “How else can I keep this giant body limber?”

Joey licked his lips, his gaze travelling down Ethan’s body and back up again, making a wave of heat consume Ethan. “It obviously works.”

Ethan rested his hand on his cocked hip. “Want to join me?”

Joey shook his head slowly. “I can guarantee I wouldn’t be able to do any of it. Jogging and weights are about my limits.”

“You could just watch.”

Ethan winked and climbed the stairs, dressing in some leggings and a vest, before descending the stairs again. He grabbed a glass of water and found Joey in the living room. Ethan hid his smirk and ignored the man, setting up his usual video. It would take him an hour, but by the end, he would be relaxed and ready for anything.

He ignored Joey and rolled out his mat, settling down with crossed legs before he hit play. Closing his eyes, he followed the instructions. He could probably do it all from memory by now, but he enjoyed listening to it.

An hour later, he was sweaty but as relaxed as he ever was. He opened his eyes from his final pose and blinked a few times to reorientate himself. When he sat upright, Joey stared at him, his face red, his breathing shallow.

“You should’ve joined in,” Ethan said, sipping his water.

“I think you did just fine on your own.” Joey’s voice was like gravel, and a shiver worked down Ethan’s spine.

“Maybe next time.” He rose, rolling up his mat and storing it next to the TV. “We’ll be leaving in about half an hour.”

Joey nodded, licking his lips, but didn’t say anything. Ethan readjusted himself as he climbed the stairs again, the heat in Joey’s eyes searing him even though he couldn’t see him. He stripped and climbed into the shower, letting it warm up first this time. Unable to help himself, he encircled his cock straight away, needing to get the release out of his system. He pressed a hand against the cool tiles, bowed his head and closed his eyes. He brought up an image of him doing “downward dog”—an inverted V shape, which basically meant his ass was up in the air—and Joey sliding into him, gripping his hips to ensure he didn’t fall. The blood would rush to Ethan’s head as well as his cock while Joey pounded into him.

Ethan’s hand pumped faster, twisting a little at the head, and he gasped as tingles flowed down his spine and into his groin. With every thrust of Joey’s hips, he would yank Ethan back to stop him from overbalancing, sending Joey’s dick right into Ethan’s prostate.

He growled his release beneath the spray, stroking until he hissed at the sensitivity and let go. Leaning a shoulder against the cold tiled wall, he waited until his breathing returned to normal before finishing his shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist and wiped a hand over the steam-covered mirror. His eyes sparkled with a need that no amount of jacking off would appease. He needed the real thing, but he refused to take advantage of the fact that Joey was staying with him. Joey might not want more than that one night, anyway.

He descended the stairs to silence and wondered if Joey had run off instead of wanting to have dinner with his parents. Ethan wouldn’t blame him. It wasn’t like they were in a relationship, so there was no need for it, but Ethan didn’t want Joey wallowing in whatever hell he was living in. If Ethan could distract him, he would.

Though why he felt the need to, he had no idea.

He found Joey in the kitchen, staring out into the garden, two travel mugs beside him on the counter. “Joey?”

Joey gazed at him, eyes sad, and Ethan wanted to wrap his arms around him and protect him from the world. But he didn’t have a clue what he would be protecting him from.

“Ready?” he asked instead.

Joey nodded and picked up the mugs. “I made coffee for the journey.”


For once in his life, Ethan didn’t know what to say as they drove. He always had some quirky words to knife through the quiet, but not this time. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. When he pulled up outside his parents’ house, Joey broke the silence.

“Anything I need to know about them?”

Ethan exhaled. “They won’t invade your privacy. They may ask questions, but they’ll respect it, without question, if you don’t answer. Their names are Bridget and Alan, both are retired, and they hate that I don’t live with them anymore.”

Joey huffed a laugh like Ethan wanted him to, and they climbed out of the car. Ethan had sent a message to his mum earlier to warn her of an additional guest and to ask her not to pry too much. He knocked on the door and opened it, calling, “Mum! Dad! We’re here.”

Joey closed the door behind them and stood, tense and alert, as Ethan’s mother came bustling into the hallway.

“Sweetheart!” She hugged him, and he kissed her cheek.

“Hi, Mum.” He pulled back. “This is Joey.”

Bridget shook his hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Joey. I’m glad you could join us for dinner.”
