Page 5 of Dr. Weston

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“Did Dr. Peck get after you? About having to wait?”

“Nah. I think he knows me well enough that it wouldn’t get a response. So why bother if it doesn’t garner the attention he’s looking for.” She shrugs.

“I’m so proud of you, Kat. I don’t say it enough. You’re so capable and confident.”

She immediately pulls me in for a hug. “Thank you. I’m not as put together as it appears. Ask Nick.” She giggles. “And I owe a lot of it to you. You were such a huge role model for me.”


“Yes, you. Oh, Olivia and I used to dream of having a life like yours back in the day.” She practically swoons. “You seemed to have it all together.” I recall the two of them, so young and determined. Kat wanted a career in medicine, while her friend, Olivia, worked at the drug store to afford head shots for a chance at Broadway.

My face falls, thinking of how different my life has become. I really did have it all. At least, it felt that way until it was gone.

Instantly, Kat grabs my arms, rubbing her hands up and down to comfort me.

“Oh, Poppy. I shouldn’t have—”

“Don’t. Please.” I hate that I can’t control my emotions better after all these years. “I’m getting there. But I’m still a work in progress, I’m afraid.” And here I thought I’d come so far.

“Maybe Dr. Weston could help hasten your progress.” Kat waggles her brows at me teasingly, and my jaw drops. The thought of that sexy surgeon helping me withanythinghas my interest. But he’s way out of my league.

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Oh my gosh, Poppy. You couldn’t see the way he was looking at you?” Her face is almost animated with the gleeful expressions she’s wearing.

“Did you ever eat, Kat? I think your sugar might be low.”

She giggles, dancing from foot to foot. “Oh, come on. He’s got his eyes on you. I know it.” She claps as if unable to contain her excitement.

Has she completely lost it?

“What gave you that impression? Hi. Poppy, right?” I mimic his words from earlier. “Yes, I’m expecting a ring any day now.” I shake my head, realizing I need to get back to the pharmacy where I can focus on something productive. Not this silly matchmaker’s imagination.

“You could do far worse.”

“Than an arrogant surgeon?”

“But he’s not like that, Poppy. I swear. He’s so nice. I’ve known him since before I started working here. He took care of my granny before she died. He’s not your typical surgeon. He was so compassionate, and I genuinely felt he cared about all of us. Not just her surgical outcome but how our family was dealing with her situation. Plus, he’s so handsome,” she adds, steepling her hands in front of her with a dreamy expression on her face.

“Well, I’m glad to know such a surgeon exists. It’s a shame I only tend to deal with the self-righteous ones.” Looking down at my watch, I realize I’ve taken Kat away from her patients for far too long. “None of this matters. I’d never date anyone who worked here. The only thing I have going for me right now is my job. I’m not about to do anything that’ll rock that boat.”

Kat comes closer, lowering her volume, “Word on the street is he’s loaded. And not like, surgeon money, but millions. Maybe billions.” Her eyes are as big as saucers. “So you might not have to work.” Kat is beaming at me like she’s trying to sell me a lottery ticket she secretly knows is the big winner.

I lean in toward her and whisper, “You’re ridiculous.”

“You still owe me brunch.” Kat brings her hand to her ear as if she’s answering a phone, giving the universal sign for ‘call me.’

I shake my head at her antics, turning abruptly for the exit doors and running right into a wall of muscle. A familiar frisson travels from my head to my toes, and I immediately know it’s him.

Wow. Who knew this was hidden under his tailored suits and lab coats? I fight the urge to trail my hands up and down his chest, yet can’t resist leaning in. God, he smells good.

“Well, hello.”

Peering up, I find Dr. Weston’s whiskey-colored eyes smiling down at me and that deep dimple joining our impromptu get-together. How long has he been standing there? Could he have heard any of that preposterous conversation?

Placing my hands on his chest, I slowly push back to regain my footing. It’s honestly of no consequence to me if he heard anything. I never gave any indication I’d be interested in what he had to offer.

Not that he’s offering.
