Page 54 of Dr. Weston

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Toweling my delicate skin after my shower, I apply some aloe before putting on my sundress. Despite the liberal use of sunscreen, a rosy glow is present along my nose and shoulders. The pretty floral dress is sleeveless, but still causes irritation as it grazes my sensitive flesh.

After doing my hair in loose waves, I reach for some simple jewelry. Once I’ve finished, I apply a little lip gloss and mascara before heading out. I could kick myself for the thought, but I’m almost hoping I bump into Broadie again.

I don’t know what it is about him. Okay, I know exactly what it is. He’s smart, gorgeous, and charismatic. And he makes me feel desired. But is that his game? How he comes on to the women he’s attracted to?

The biggest obstacle with agreeing to go out with him isn’t even the fact we work together. Broadie Weston isn’t someone you date once and walk away from unscathed. I’m sure of it. It would be my luck to finally feel a spark again, just to have the rug pulled out from under me. It’s safer to keep my defenses up.

Between the large lunch and the full day in the sun, I’m not very hungry. I think I’d just like a glass of wine and maybe some fruit or cheese. I grab my key card and my purse and make my way downstairs.

Entering the lounge, I note there aren’t many people here tonight. Strange, given how many people were at the pool today. Sitting at the bar, I take out my phone to check the app for the various evening’s activities. Who am I kidding? I won’t last long enough for all of that.

“Hi. What can I get you?”

“Hi. Can I have a glass of Pinot Grigio? And do you have a bar menu? Anything besides burgers and fries?”

The bartender returns with a small card listing the various options.

“Oh, this is perfect. Can I have the charcuterie board?”

“Coming right up.”

I glance back down at my phone, flipping through the evening’s activities, when I feel him.

“Hi. May I join you?”

My pulse picks up at his proximity. “Yes, of course.”

Broadie’s dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white button down. He’s as handsome as ever, but I’d put money on the fact his scent is the most intoxicating thing in this bar. It’s a rich blend of citrus and spice with a hint of musk. As if everything about him doesn’t scream sexy man, this cologne is the exclamation mark.

“Here you go, miss.” The bartender slides my wine and the large board covered in dried meats, cheeses, olives, grapes, nuts and figs as well as a variety of sliced bread and crackers in front of me.

Peering down at the platter, I nearly gasp. “Thank you. This is gorgeous.” I pop an olive into my mouth.

“Enjoy. Can I get you something, sir?”

Noticing Broadie hasn’t answered, I gaze in his direction and find him watching me. My mouth, specifically.

“I’ll have what she’s having,” he answers. His eyes not straying from mine. Hell, this man.

“The wine and cheese, sir?”

Dropping my hand over his, I stop him. “Oh, Broadie. I’ll never eat all of this.”

His eyes briefly land on my hand before answering, “Thank you. That’d be nice. Just the wine then.”

I quickly bring my hand back to my glass, so he doesn’t think this is more than two acquaintances who happen to be in the same place at the same time. Or perhaps, so I don’t start to let myself consider there could be anything more.

“Do you mind if I ask you something personal?” he asks.

“Sure.” I pop a grape into my mouth before taking a sip of my wine.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

Nearly choking on my grape, I have to carefully swallow it down. His question has completely thrown me off kilter. “No.”

“But you won’t have dinner with me?”

The server approaches and places Broadie’s wine in front of him. As he walks away, I turn to Broadie. “Can I be honest?”
