Page 56 of Dr. Weston

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I wasn’t the product of a bad home. My parents and grandparents loved each other. They treated each other with respect. Sure, they worked themselves into an early grave, but I never witnessed any indication the women in my life felt mistreated. So, what’s wrong with me that I’ve allowed my career to take over my life?

Walking over to the dining table, I grab a cup and pour hot coffee from the carafe. I’ll keep the breakfast items covered by the silver dome until after my shower. This presidential suite is mammoth. There are three bedrooms, a dining area, and even a room with bunk beds and gaming stations.Like I need that.

Walking to the balcony, I open the door and sprawl out on the lounge chair. I try to picture what it might be like, having a new family. I’m only forty-two. If I want a second chance, it’s not beyond reason that it could happen. But I’ve barely scratched the surface with getting my relationship back on track with my girls. They’d need to know they were a priority before I ever considered adding anyone else into the mix.

I take another sip of the rich, dark roast coffee when my mind harkens back to the evening my daughters saw Poppy with her date.Wait. Poppy said she wasn’t seeing anyone. So, who was that guy? My girls had been right. She wasn’t into him, whoever he was.

What’s more, they were goading me to ask Poppy out. They want me to find love.Love?I almost choke on my morning joe. The way those two romanticize everything, they probably did mean love. Here I’d be happy simply to have a relatively normal, healthy relationship with a woman.

I admit, until Poppy came along, the idea never even crossed my mind. But there’s something about her that makes me feel as if she holds all of the answers. I’ve never wanted to try with anyone like I do with her. Not even Camile.

Hopping up from my chair, I put down my coffee and head to the shower. I only have a few more days here. Up until that kiss last night, I contemplated packing it in and considering anything with Poppy Danforth to be dead in the water. But that kiss changed everything.

There’s no way I can let her go without giving this a shot.

* * *

Showered and shaved and ready to greet the day, it hits me that I need to lie low until after lunch. I already told her I’d played hooky yesterday. I need to act like I’m really here for a conference. Looking up to the sky, I pray karma won’t be a bitch once we return home. Even if I deserve it.

I’m not the lying type. I’ve never manipulated anyone, man or woman, for my own personal gain. But I had to see this through. Find out if there could be something between us. Walking away simply wasn’t an option. I just have to pray if things work out for us, that somehow she’ll forgive me.

Deciding to use the downtime to work on my presentation, I grab my laptop and bring it out onto the deck with me. I’ve barely begun when I spot a beautiful blonde in the distance. My eyes must be deceiving me because although I’m certain it’s her, she’s holding the hand of a little boy with dark hair who must be three or four. I watch as she squats down at eye level and speaks to him. Instantly, she’s pulling him in for a hug and lifting him into her arms. I know he’s not hers. Stu verified that not only did she come alone, but that she has no children. Hell, I saw her arriving all alone in that rickety van.

I’m left to assume he’s lost. But it’s not her compassion that has me fixated on the two of them. It’s watching her caring for a child. The sight is stirring something primal in me. What kind of crazy caribou do they have here in Jamaica? Is there ganja in this stuff?

That’s got to be it. I’ve gone from not wanting a relationship with any woman to picturing children with Poppy. I have to have been drugged. No kiss causes a man to go off the deep end like this.

But that’s the way it’s been with Poppy all along. Nothing about our connection makes sense. It’s as if I had no other choice. I had to do whatever was necessary in order to see if this was real.

Looking down at my watch, I shake my head. I have at least two more hours before I can go in search of her. In the past, I would’ve ignored everyone with me in exchange for the opportunity to work. Yet, this woman has me watching the clock like a kid on the last day of school.

* * *

I stroll down the walkway, hands in my pockets, hoping to easily find Poppy. I’d eaten a hearty breakfast in my room, so have no plans to eat lunch. But the main dining room is located next to most of the hotel’s activities. If she’s spending time by the pool or enjoying the buffet, I should spot her here. If not, I’ll take a stroll along the beach and see if I can locate her.

As if a genie has granted my wish, I find Poppy standing nearly twenty feet in front of me at the excursions desk.

Leaning over her shoulder as she peers over the list of offsite activities in the area, I whisper, “Find anything interesting?”

She jumps, nearly colliding with my jaw.

“I’m sorry, Poppy.” I laugh.

She spins toward me, her hand outstretched over her heart. “Oh, my, god. You scared me.”

“We going somewhere fun?”

Her expression morphs from shock to playfulness. “You done for the day?”

“Why? Is that your way of asking me to come along?”Please say yes.

“Sure. Why not?”

I think my smile could rival the light given off by the moon last night.

“Oh my gosh. You’re so cute right now.”

I chuckle. “Did you just call me cute?”
