Page 103 of Luca

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“Hi, Jillian. I’m sorry it’s late, but it’s important we talk to you, and I wanted Luna to join us.”

Luna?The memory of seeing Luca in Belle Café flashes in my mind’s eye connecting the mysterious dots. This stunning woman is Luca and Matteo’s sister.

“May we come in?”

I look up the stairs to verify we’re alone, then gesture for them to come inside. “I’m afraid I don’t have long. I was headed upstairs to put the kids to bed.”

Luna’s face falls as she turns to her brother. “I’m sorry for the late hour. That’s my fault. I don’t go out much. It took more convincing for Matteo to bring me here than it should have.”

My gaze bounces between the two of them, utterly confused as to why they’re here. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

“May we sit?” Matteo asks.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Where are my manners?” I hurriedly clear the couch of Truitt’s toys and the book I was reading before motioning for them to take a seat.

Matteo slides his hand through his dark hair. It’s astonishing how similar he and Luca look. He has the same olive complexion to his skin, which is also covered in multiple dark tattoos. Their height and build are almost identical. But there are fine littlelines next to his eyes Luca doesn’t have. And while he’s been nothing but kind to us in the few times I’ve met him, Matteo’s never shown the playful charisma Luca possesses. “Where to start?”

Sitting with my hands in my lap, I can’t help but take Luna in. She’s so slight. From what Luca shared with me, I’m unsure if this is a result of her depression or her dietary habits. A few inches shorter than her brothers, she has long, straight dark hair and fair skin. And while her deep blue eyes are beautiful, there’s an emptiness behind them. Given the trauma Luca said she’d endured, it seems she may still have a way to go in her recovery.

Matteo finally breaks the silence. “Have you spoken with Luca since his arrest?”

“No.” I don’t disclose the text messages. Those weren’t what I’d call conversation.

Matteo crosses his legs and leans back against the cushions of the sectional. “Jillian, it’s important you know the facts.”

“I agree. All of this broadsided me.” I cross my arms over my chest as if attempting to contain my irritation at the whole situation. Yet, by the tone of my voice, it sounds as if it’s trying to claw its way out. “Luca said he wasn’t interested in any type of relationship because of the danger associated with your family. I think a lot of pain and heartache could’ve been avoided, for myself and my children, if he’d disclosed what type of family business he was involved in.” My cheeks heat at my statement. I’m normally not so direct. But I’ve been hurt enough. I shouldn’t have to defend being angry that we were left in the dark as to the criminal nature of his work.

“The business you speak of is my father’s. Not Luca’s. Not ours.” Matteo corrects angrily before glancing briefly at Luna. “My brother is the best man I know.” He says it like a plea. Matteo takes a deep breath, appearing to try and calm himselfbefore continuing further. “I hope we can trust you to keep this conversation between us.”

My eyes lock with Matteo’s, and the seriousness of this conversation becomes apparent. I give a quick nod.

“We grew up in Catania. It’s a beautiful city on the coast of Sicily. But while other families enjoyed trekking Mt. Etna, walking through the ancient city center, or delighting in a day at sea, we spent our days surrounded by evil. My father is Vincenzo Messina, the boss of one of the largest organized crime families in Italy. He is the devil in the flesh. No one can convince me otherwise. He’s driven by greed and power. It’s not enough to be the richest man in Italy, all of his actions are motivated by the need for ultimate control.”

Matteo pauses, taking Luna’s hand in his. “I was raised to eventually be his successor. It was expected I’d take over the Messina crime ring upon his death. Manage his brothels, sex trafficking, money laundering, weapons, and drugs.”

My eyes drop to Luna, whose head is down, looking as if she might cry at any moment.

“Nothing was hidden from any of us. My poor mother was promised to my father during infancy. There was no love for her. Initially, she stayed out of family obligation. Then out of fear. Eventually, she begged for a divorce so she could raise us somewhere safe, but he refused. We watched as she fell deeper and deeper into depression as he paraded his whores around and committed unspeakable atrocities against the citizens of Italy.” He looks down at his feet. “Some say she took her life when she could handle it no more, but I know my mother.” Matteo drops his voice and the venom in his tone is unmistakable as his eyes hold mine. “She would never have left us. I think he killed her. As easily as he’s murdered so many others.”

Matteo turns away, looking again as if he’s trying to compose himself. “My brothers and I started doing everything we could to eventually escape after she died. It was a slow process, secretly withdrawing funds, getting underground help to change our names, and plotting how we’d leave without a trace. But once Luna was kidnapped…” His voice trails off, raw with emotion. I’m unsure if this is to shield his sister from getting upset at the reminders of that time, or to protect her privacy.

“Anger caused me to lash out. I publicly refused the Messina name, instead taking my mother’s surname as our own. Instead of making a quiet escape to America as we’d planned, the spotlight was now on us. Corners were cut to get out quickly that may have led our father to us. I have to live with that every day.” It’s slight, but I can hear the quaver in his voice. “However, he also has an army of criminal masterminds at his disposal. I’m sure he’ll stop at nothing until we all pay for betraying him.”

Matteo looks back at me. “Andthatis where the danger lies.” His voice is raised, and my head immediately snaps to the stairs to make sure little ears have not caught wind of our conversation. “Not with Luca.”

Luna looks up, tears welling in her eyes. “My brother is a good man, Jillian. Luca has devoted his whole life to me and my son. He’s watched Matteo lose his wife.” She gazes up at her brother. “Because it was too risky to stay married to a Bianchi.”

Had Luca not shared this story, I’d almost think Matteo’s ex-wife was dead. But given how it’s felt around here lately, I can’t help but wonder what her life must be like. Does she still feel as empty as we do now? Even after all of this time?

“My brother is the best man I know.” Luna pats Matteo’s hand. “I love you, Matteo, but your need for revenge will be your unraveling.” She turns, her red-rimmed eyes connecting with mine. “Luca was committed to living a life alone. He never wanted to see anyone else suffer at the hands of my father.” Iobserve this mild-mannered young woman as she sits taller, her voice more insistent. “He’s never done anything criminal in his life. He wouldn’t steal a stick of gum!” she asserts. “Everything they’ve portrayed him to be in the news is false.”

A surge of adrenalin hits hearing this, and my body starts to shake.

I cover my face with my hands as overwhelming sadness overtakes me. At how I’ve judged Luca. How the whole world was judging him. Deep down, there was no part of me that wanted to believe any of it was true.

“Ultimately, it won’t change anything. But you needed to know,” Luna adds.

“You must keep your family safe. And that can’t happen if you are connected to us,” Matteo states adamantly.
