Page 119 of Luca

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I look up to find Luca grinning from ear to ear. He practically runs over to the newcomer and pulls him into his embrace, slapping his back.

“Jillian, this is my cousin, Gianni Black,” he introduces proudly. “Thank you, Cugino, for helping us.”

“We’re family. I’ve got you, Luca. It’s nice to meet you, Jillian.” Gianni comes closer, shakes Dr. Weston’s hand before taking a seat next to him. “We have a plan I think can work for you. But it’s going to require you to leave your old life behind.” Gianni’s eyes connect with mine. “All of you.”

I turn to Luca, confused.

“Jillian, a man broke into Cliff’s home tonight. I think he may have been after me, but I have no guarantees he wasn’t looking for you and the kids and got the wrong house.”

My hand flies up to my throat, realizing just how close the danger had become. “Regardless, it’s not safe here anymore.”

“How do you know it was someone after you or me? Couldn’t it have been someone after Cliff?”

“Anyone who knew Cliff or had staked out his house would’ve known those dogs were there. This man was covered in Italian tattoos. The dogs immediately attacked him, so I couldn’t find any specific marks tied to the Messina or Grasso crime ring, but I’d bet my life he’s affiliated with one of them. They pose an equal threat to us.”

My hands fly to my mouth. I’m grateful Cliff wasn’t home. And have never been so relieved to have those vicious mutts living next door.

“I know this is asking a lot, but even if you no longer want to be with me, it’s dangerous for you now. We need to make sure you’re somewhere they can’t find you.”

My face falls.

“I know this isn’t something you’ve ever had to contemplate, but this could be a good solution for all of you,” Dr. Weston interjects. “But your life as you know it will have to change completely.”

I look at Luca, scared. We knew this day could come. I just wasn’t prepared for it to arrive so soon.

“I own a resort. It’s a beautiful place.” Dr. Weston appears to be trying to introduce this option carefully. “We’re in the process of refurbishing it from top to bottom. There’s a hotel, villas, restaurants, and a kids’ program. We don’t have a fully staffed medical center yet, but would eventually like to have one. I just need a nurse practitioner. And you need a place to live peacefully and raise your children.”

I sit stunned, trying to absorb all of this information. This day has been too much for me. “I had started my NP classes but had to quit because of childcare.”

“It’s no rush. You could apply to an online program and take classes. And the expense will be covered as part of your hiring package.”

Luca reaches for my hand, gripping it tightly in his.

“You can either home school the kids or we can assist you in enrolling them in an international school,” Dr. Weston adds.

“We’ve also scoped out a location where Luca can work. And we have plenty of security in place,” his cousin interjects. “But you cannot return to the states without great risk. It would be easier to bring your friends and family to you under an alias. But returning here will be very difficult without risking your identity being discovered and your safety undermined.”

I drop my face back into my hands. What about my mother? My children have been through so much. Are they going to be able to handle such an abrupt change?

“I know it’s a lot to ask of you,” Luca says.

Standing from my chair, I have to walk away for a moment. This is too much. How did I go to bed tonight, wrapped in Luca’s arms, feeling so optimistic, just to have it all turn to this?

“Is she going to be okay,” I hear Luca’s cousin whisper.

“Just give her some time. This is a lot to ask of anyone, much less someone with kids and family she’ll have to leave behind.”

Tears stream down my face. How do I know what to do? And do I really have any choice in the matter?

Dr. Weston joins in the conversation behind me, his voice low. “We should be able to fly her mother to the resort on occasion. And we can set up video chat and ensure it’s encrypted. We’ll just have to be careful.”

“Yes. You know I’ll do whatever I can to help bring your loved ones to you safely. My men are skilled at this,” Gianni says.

There’s silence for a brief moment, and I wander aimlessly through the great room opposite them. I’m being rude. These men have bent over backward to come up with a solution where yesterday there was none.

“If she agrees, Poppy will gladly go out and buy whatever Jillian and the kids need. Clothes, shoes. And we visit the resorts often enough, she can bring things from here that make her feel more comfortable.”

“Yes, and I’ll send my men to gather anything left behind at the house or your shop. You just name it,” Gianni says.
