Page 121 of Luca

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As if I’ve already decided this moment is marking the end of our old life, and the beginning of a new one for all of us, my mind finally gives way to sleep.

As the bright light of day filters in through the closed drapes of the guest room windows, I’m surprised how refreshed I feel. I look at my watch and realize it’s still early.

Rolling onto my back, I find the muscular, tattooed form of the man I love lying beside me and smile. As terrifying as all of this is, I have an uncanny sense of peace about me this morning.

Dr. Weston’s offer was beyond generous. I’ve been more and more miserable at work lately, finding reliable childcare for shift work some place that’s open twenty-four hours only adds to the misery. And if that’s not bad enough, Anne is quitting. Not only will I no longer have anyone making my schedule who’ll understand my family’s needs, but the idea of working with Roslyn makes me shudder. Heck, it’s like Anne retiring is an omen.

And who wouldn’t want their children to grow up some place tropical, safe, and surrounded by people who love them?

“Good morning.” Luca’s gravelly voice interrupts my thoughts. Looking up, I see he’s peering at me from over his shoulder.

I lie my hand on his beautiful back, tracing my fingernail around a spiral of ink. “Good morning.”

He rolls to face me, appearing scared to ask what I’m thinking. “You better this morning?”

“Yes. It was just a lot to absorb in one night.”

Luca runs the back of his hand over my cheek lovingly.

“I’ve been thinking.”

He quietly lifts one brow as he looks down at me with those magnificent blue-green eyes I could drown in for the rest of my life. The color rivals pictures I’ve seen of the Caribbean sea. Will the color of the ocean complement his dreamy eyes when we’re lying on the warm sand in Jamaica?

“Let’s do this.” I giggle nervously. I can’t believe this is happening.

Luca leans in, cupping my face. “You sure, Jill?”

“I’ll call the hospital when I get up and apologize for not giving any notice.” I cover my mouth with my hands, shocked we’re actually doing this.

A broad smile crosses his handsome face. “I promise to spend the rest of my days making you and the kids happy, Cucciolotta.” He places sweet kisses on my forehead. “Ti amo.”

“I love you too. And I have no doubt. We’ve never been happier than when we’re with you.”

After showering and changing into the few clothes we’ve brought with us, we await instructions on when we fly out. Caleb and Myla are excited about our new adventure. I think even Truitt can sense something’s up.

“Jillian, there’s someone here to see you,” Poppy calls from the front of the house. She steps away, and I see my mother standing at the door.

“Mom!” I squeal as I rush to greet her. I try to hold back my tears. I’ve cried enough over the last few hours. “I can’t believe it. I was so worried I wouldn’t have a chance to say goodbye. Luca’s cousin gave us new phones after I called the hospital.”

“Luca called and explained everything. I know you’re scared, but you deserve this, honey. And he assured me they’ll help me arrange visits to Jamaica. See if they have any cool festivals, will you? I might just have to bring my bridge club.” She laughs.

“Well, if I can’t, we’ll make one.”

“Gammy, will you bring Ted E. Ruxpin with you when you come?”

“Oh, Caleb, I’m not sure they’d let me fly the friendly skies again if I brought that nervous nelly on the plane.” Mom turnsto me. “But maybe I can buy one of those burner phones and FaceTime.”

I snort. “What do you know about burner phones?”

“I watch Law and Order.”

Mom turns to give the kids some individualized attention before we head out for our new adventure.

Poppy, her little daughter, Sara, and two gorgeous young blondes stroll over toward us. “Jillian, you’ve met Sara, but these are my older daughters, Lauren and Lilly. We’re going to come along with you to the resort so we can show you around. The girls are excited to help with the kids.”

I can’t get over this. It’s like a dream. “You’ve already been so generous.”

“Well, it’s the least we can do for our newest employee,” Dr. Weston teases as he wraps his arms around his wife. “I think you’re going to love it. We’ve got a long way to go to sprucing it up, but I already have fond memories there. And I suspect your family will make many as well.”
