Page 31 of Luca

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“It’s never happened before, but that had all the marks of a dog marking his territory.” She laughs, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand as Truitt slaps his on top.

Reaching back, I massage my neck muscles. This day has gone to shit. I’m annoyed at her remark. Probably because she’s bold enough to call me out on my behavior. “I don’t know what you mean. I offered to help. That’s all.” My voice is clipped. And I don’t care.

“Luke,” she breathes, coming closer. “I’m only teasing you. Donovan isn’t interested in me. He’s got it bad for one of the other nurses.”

I should feel relieved at her statement, but I’m aggravated. I have no business being here. I thanked her, watched her kid. I should be headed home, focused on my own life. Letting myself get any closer to this woman will only spell trouble for the both of us, and I know it. But her nearness is doing a number on me. Her nearness, her dimples, her eyes…

“Thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you today.” She leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. The electrical spark it ignites travels all the way down my spine. If she wasn’t holding a little boy, and we weren’t standing on the sidewalk in front of her job, I’d be tempted to throw her up against the glass wall behind us and give her the kind of kiss she deserves. A passionate kiss full of desire and heat. My cock twitches behind my zipper at the idea, and I realize I need to change the subject before I really make a fool of myself.

“I honestly don’t mind. Hanging out with Truitt tomorrow, I mean. If you trust me enough to come to your place.” Yeah, I admit it. One kiss and I’m willing to throw out all of my rules.And it wasn’t even on the mouth.

She pauses for a moment, and just as I expect her to brush me off, she says, “What do you think, Tru? Do you think Luca can handle our rowdy bunch?” she teases, making him squeal. “I work the later shift tomorrow, but I’ll be home before the kids go down to bed. If you’re serious. You could come by in the afternoon, and I can show you around. I should invite you overand cook dinner to say thanks, but I like you too much.” She winks.

I have no idea what that means, but something tells me I’m going to be thinking about that wink for the rest of the day. “Okay. I’ll pick up Mimmo from school a little early and meet you at your place. What time should I be there?”

“I need to be here by three. So maybe a little after two?” She bounces Truitt as she rocks him back and forth, similar to how I did earlier.

This might not be too bad. I can get in to work early, then slide by school and pick up Domenico. He’ll love spending time with her kids. It’s always upset me that he hasn’t been able to make any friends. But I can’t risk anyone coming to our home. And I like having control over who he interacts with until I’m sure they aren’t a threat.

I’ve had plenty of opportunity to come to my senses and back out of this nonsense. But I like getting the chance to know her better. And if Antonia was in a better place and needed help, I’d hope someone would step up to do the same for her. Well, a female someone. I’m not letting any man, besides Luigi, get close to my baby sister.

“Okay. Text me your address. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

“Luca, so good to hear from you. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, Luigi. Thank you. I’m calling because I’d like to take you up on your offer if it’s still okay?”

“For Antonia and Mimmo? Of course. Maria will be thrilled.”

“Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. Is it okay if I drop by often to check on them? I don’t want tointrude, but that’s going to be the hardest part for me. Not being able to see they’re okay.”

“Luca. You’re like family. You’re always welcome here.”

“Luigi. I know we talked about this. But my father is still a very real threat. I wouldn’t put it past him to hurt his own flesh and blood, much less, you and Maria. Giovanni is going to place extra security around your home and restaurant. And I’ll make sure I’m not followed when I visit.”

“You do whatever you need to feel comfortable.”

I hesitate for a moment, feeling like a heel for asking this. “Is there any chance I could bring Antonia over tomorrow after I get Mimmo on the bus?”

“Why, of course. But so soon. Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I promised to help a friend tomorrow. I’m going to get Mimmo from school and go by so he can spend some time with kids his age. He doesn’t get that outside of the school day.”

“Would this be about the pretty lady I met the other night?”

Fuck. Am I really so obvious? “It’s not like that, Luigi. She needed help, and I’m able to give it.”

“Would it honestly be that bad if itwerelike that, Luca? You deserve to live a happy life.”

“I’ll be happy if I know Antonia and Mimmo are safe and taken care of. I can’t risk anyone else I care about getting hurt.”

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”

Reaching for my phone, I scroll to my notes app. “Who said that, oh wise one?”

“The Dalai Lama. Life’s too short, Luca. You can’t be so focused on protecting those you love that you forget about living.”
