Page 38 of Luca

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“Have you heard from him since he left?”

I guess it’s a fair question. I’ve been less than upfront about our situation. “No. And we won’t. He died two years ago.”

“Oh, Jill. I didn’t realize. I thought he decided he didn’t want a wife and family and left.”

I’m not entirely sure that wasn’t the truth of the matter.“No. That was my father. As far as I know, he’s living with his newwife on the West Coast. He could have more kids, for all I know. He left when I was about Myla’s age and never came back.”

“You must feel like the men in your life have really let you down.”

If that isn’t the understatement of the century. “Yeah. Dad would call once in a very blue moon after he moved away. I don’t know if he wanted to avoid speaking to my mother or if he simply didn’t care enough about me to put forth the effort, but those stopped before I was a teenager.”

“It’s his loss, Jillian. You and your kids… I can’t remember having a better day.”

My hand flies to my chest, shocked he’d say such a thing. “Thank you. I can’t even tell you what it did for me, seeing my children so happy when I walked in.”

Now that I don’t have any other scheduled visits with Luca, I’m anxious to ask for another. If only to hold onto this feeling a little longer. Knowing I’ll get to see him again. Even if it’s under the guise of a playdate for the kids. “Once my mom gets back from her cruise and can watch the kids, I’d love to have you over for an adult dinner to say thank you.” The line grows quiet. “Takeout. I’ll pick up takeout.”

A sexy laugh rumbles through the receiver, making me squirm. Does he have any idea the effect he has on women?

“I’m a terrible cook. But I’d love the chance to show my gratitude for all you’ve done for me and my kids. Plus… well, if you have any other questions, it might be easier if we talk in person than over the phone. I don’t want you to think after you’ve been so good to us that I wouldn’t extend the same courtesy and be open and honest with you.”

“You don’t owe me dinner. But I’d love the chance to cook for you.”

Jeez. Does this man’s sexiness know no bounds?How am I supposed to fight these feelings if he keeps laying on all the charm this way?

“Well, if you insist.” I laugh. “Goodnight, Luca.”

“Goodnight, Jillian.”

I spring forward in my bed, covered in a sheen of sweat. That familiar sense of dread is looming in the air. I shiver against the cold, knowing it’s not the temperature, as my summer sandals lie on the floor next to the slippers I wore to bed last night. Sliding my feet into my night shoes, I head to my bedroom door, cracking it open just enough to peek outside. Nothing appears any different than any other night. As usual, I’m met with a still, darkened corridor. But the apprehension I feel is strong. So real.

I slowly make my way down the dimly lit hallway. My children’s doors are closed. Could someone have broken in? I consider brandishing a weapon. But what would I find once downstairs? An umbrella? Military or not, Dillon has never allowed guns in the house.

Out of the blue, I’m struck by the smell of smoke. I don’t think I cooked dinner tonight where I could’ve left the stove on. Rushing to the kitchen, I’m relieved when I discover the oven isn’t on. But the sulfur smell is stronger now. I follow the smell until...

Oh, god.

The room starts to spin. The Blood. It’s everywhere. My eyes scan the space, unsure what I’m looking at. This has to be a nightmare.

A shriek from behind me makes me whirl in confusion. With one look, it’s clear this isn’t a nightmare. We’re very much awake.

I bolt up, my heart pounding against my ribcage. What? Darn it. I’d been doing better. What brought this on? My head falls in my hands before turning to look at the clock. 1:10 a.m.

It’s always 1:10.

Had my thoughts of Luca caused nightmares about this time in my life to return? Am I forever going to be punished for not feeling more empathetic toward my husband’s choices? Or is Dillon haunting me because I have the nerve to consider moving on without him? Not that I’m actually contemplating anything with Luca.

Am I?


Why am I so nervous?Sofucking nervous. It’s not like it’s a date. I’m just having dinner with a friend, for Christ’s sake.

Sure, Luca. Keep telling yourself that.

It’s like my brain and my mouth aren’t connected when I’m near her. I know there can’t be anything between us. I care too much about her to risk anything happening to Jillian or her sweet kids because of me. Especially after learning how hard it’s been on them, losing their dad. Not to mention, I’ve got my hands full keeping Antonia and Domenico safe. My stress level can’t take on any more.

I know this to be true. If only I can stick to it. Stop letting this girl get to me.
