Page 67 of Luca

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“Of course. My brother should be there tonight as well.”

Covering the receiver, I lean over the island. “He invited all of us to Luigi’s for dinner. And he asked for you to come too.”

She barely lets me finish my statement before answering, “I’d love to come!”

“Okay, we’ll be there in a bit.” I hang up the call and watch the smirk lift the corner of my mother’s mouth. Pointing at her dog, I say, “You are not invited.”

Ninety minutes later, after changing my outfit about a dozen times, the four of us walk into Luigi’s. Myla is holding Truitt, and my mother walks in next to me. She’s wearing a cute nautical top and navy blue capri pants with decorative accents. I found a soft, light blue sundress with a white eyelet sash I’d bought years before but had never actually worn. With wedge sandals andsome gold bangles to match the St. Michael’s pendant Luca has yet to request back, I feel pretty, but not overdressed.

When my eyes connect with Luca’s, there’s a sparkle there. “Jill,” he greets before kissing me on the cheek.

“Awwwwww,” the boys sing out in unison, causing my mother to giggle.

“Cecilia, I’m so glad you could come. Please, come over and meet Luigi and my brother, Matteo.”

Luca escorts my mother while I place the diaper bag down by the preset table. I look around, but don’t see any other women. I was wondering if his sister might be joining us tonight. Myla hands Truitt over to me as a server hands her a menu and crayons. She joins Mimmo and Caleb at the end of the table.

I turn my head back to Luca and my mother and find him talking animatedly to Luigi and Matteo. Maybe she’s right. I should try to locate a therapist and get back to it. If there’s a chance he’s willing to try, I want nothing more. Maybe having a security blanket in place to catch me if I fall isn’t a bad idea.

Laughter erupts, and I glance back over to where my mother is standing. Luca has his head thrown back in glee, one arm draped across my mother’s shoulders.

Normally, I come to this restaurant to fill my belly. But instead, tonight, it’s my heart that’s full.



Something’s off.I can’t put my finger on it. From the moment I walked into work, I’ve had an unsettled feeling. As I move farther into the shop, I’m struck by a strong odor. The closer I get to George, the stronger the scent becomes.

“Morning,” he greets. He sounds congested.

“Morning,” I reply, trying to figure out what that pungent smell is. The days of trying to be polite with George are over. Whatever he’s thinking often tumbles out of that mouth without a moment’s hesitation. So why should he be offended if I do the same?



“What the fuck is that smell?”

His head whips in my direction, a completely blank expression on his face.

“There’s no way you can’t smell that.”

“Smell what?”

Holy hell. This is going to be a long ass day. Every guy in this joint will be telling me he can’t work in this environment.

George starts to cough and sneeze, and I have to consider his body may be rejecting itself, the odor is so strong. It’s not body odor. For as big of a mess as George is, he’s always showered and clean shaven.

I’m about to walk away when Sampson walks over. “Where is that god awful onion smell coming from?”

That’s it.Onion. I couldn’t figure out anything past the need to vomit. Turning, I look pointedly at George. There’s no doubt this is somehow originating from him.

“What? I’m coming down with something. So the missus told me to put some onion in my socks.”

“Jesus Christ,” Sampson mutters.
