Page 71 of Luca

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I reach to drop it back on my nightstand when I discover there’s a missed message.

1:10 a.m. | Luca

Hi. I’m sorry it’s so late. I don’t want to wake you. I wanted to see if there was a chance that I could see you alone in the morning. Just let me know if you’re available.

Realizing he only sent this a moment ago, I try to collect myself before texting back.

1:14 a.m. | Jillian

You didn’t wake me. I should be able to get my mother to watch them for a bit. Is everything okay?

I want so badly to tell him that I’ve missed him. But I don’t know how to navigate whatever this is between us. Tomorrow. I’m going to ask him to clarify what it is we’re doing tomorrow. Unless he beats me to it, saying this has been fun, but it’s over.

1:17 a.m. | Luca

Yes. I’ve just been overwhelmed with work, Luna, and Mimmo this week. I’ll see you tomorrow.

And now I’m too nervous to sleep.



“Mom?Could you come get the kids for a bit?”

“Sure, honey. Is something wrong?”

I hate asking her to do this on my day off. She’s watched them so often already this week. “I hope not. Last night, Luca asked if he could see me.Alone.” I admit it, I’m a mess. Pretending it’s no big deal that he wants this relationship to stay in the friendzone is a big fat lie. I want this. Whatever his reasons, it feels like rejection.

“Don’t sound so down, Jilly bean. You don’t have any idea why he wants to see you alone?”


“Well, perhaps it’s because he’s missed you.”

I guess it’s possible. But when you’re still recovering from the last heartbreak, the possibility it could be something good seems less likely. “It won’t be for long. Just a few hours. Is that okay?”

“Yes. Of course. I’ll swing by and take them to get some waffles. It’s supposed to be a nice day. Maybe I’ll take them to the pool this afternoon.”

“Okay. They’ll love that. I’ll have them dressed and ready within the hour.”

“All right, Jilly. But keep that beautiful smile on your face. And try to stay positive.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Getting the kids up and sharing that Gammy wanted to spoil them with a Saturday morning waffle breakfast was a nice diversion. Albeit, a short one. Now that my three exuberant distractions are gone, I’m left to pace as I wait for Luca to arrive. I try to reassure myself that it’s only nervous energy. Not because I’m worried he’s moving on.

The familiar sound of the dogs next door greeting a newcomer sets my nerves ablaze. I run to the downstairs bathroom to check myself in the mirror before heading to the door. Lifting my chin, I give myself a quick pep talk. “He’d be lucky to have you, Jillian. And if he isn’t on the same page as you, it’s better you find out now. Besides, there’s probably too many skeletons in his closet with all of the odd rituals and secrecy. Haven’t you had enough of that in your life?”

Knock, knock.

Taking a deep breath, I look back at the girl in the reflection.You are worth it, Jillian. For the right man, you are worth it.

I make my way to the front door, attempting to slow my breaths. As I pull it wide, I find Luca standing with a huge smile on his face, a large, wrapped box under one arm and a toolbox in his other hand.

“Hi. Can I come in?”

“Yes, of course.”
