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Once inside, she closed the door and locked it.

“What’s going on? And why did you come home this weekend?” I cocked a hand on my hip, waiting for the answers to my questions.

“I have to ask for a favor.”

“Not until you tell me why you’re home. The last time we had a real conversation, you told me you had plans for the next three weekends. What changed?”

Lizzy dropped her head, turned away from me, and sat on the chaise near the window. “I need to get away from some people.”

The protective side of me flared to life.

“Who?” I asked, sitting beside her and taking her hand in mine. “Are you in trouble?”

If Lizzy got into a situation like mine, I wanted her to know she had someone in her corner. I’d never turn my back on her.

“No, I’m fine. I’m not used to living with people who aren’t family.”

I studied her, not believing a word she said. “Is it a boy?”

Her head snapped up, a glimmer of shock in her dark eyes.


“It has nothing to do with a boy.” The resignation in her face told me she was lying through her teeth.

I knew that look. I’d seen it in the mirror plenty of times since Damon and I separated.

Continuing to press, I asked, “Then is it a man?”

“Sophia,” She huffed. “All that matters is that I’m home for the weekend and need a favor. Are you going to help me or not?”

“It all depends on what you want me to do?”

“Hey, you owe me after our adventures in vandalism.”

I cringed, remembering how Lizzy and I dressed as prostitutes, broke into Keith Randolph’s Penthouse, and destroyed his spring collection. We’d barely made it out of the place without getting caught and, in the end, had to call Damon to rescue us and give us a ride home.

“Fine. What do you want? But if it’s dangerous, I’m not doing it. My guilty conscience is still paying penance for letting you tag along in my vigilante mission.”

“Will you take me to Violent Delights?”

I coughed, never in my wildest dreams expecting to hear my innocent sister ask me for a favor like that.

“Absolutely not.”

Lizzy jerked her hand free of my hold, a crease forming between her brows. “How is it fine for you to be there and not me? I’m a legal adult. I have a right to visit a kink club.”

She had me there.

“Why do you want to go?”

“Because I want to understand the draw of BDSM. The internet and books only give so much information.”

“You researched it?”

“Yes.” Her annoyed glare reminded me of something I would have given Eva.

“Sorry, I just wanted clarification.”
