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I lifted my head to look into her deep blue eyes. “How is that even possible for me when all I know is this?”

“If it’s happened for your brothers and sisters, why can’t it for you?”

Her words had me pausing.

I thought back to last night and how everyone interacted. Until Elaine, no one would have believed Lucian had a beating heart. The laughter and joy they shared spoke of a deeper connection. It was the same for Eva with Finn and Leo with Haley. They balanced the other. There was never a competition for who ruled. Each couple wanted the best for the other.

A tinge of sadness hit me. Could I risk trusting Damon again?

“Sophia, answer this question for me. Do you see a happy life without Damon?”

Logically, I knew I would survive without him. I had survived without him and thrived.

But had I been happy?

I shook my head. “No.”

“Then don’t limit yourself because of the mistakes I made.”

“Can I ask you why you decided to have this talk with me?”

“You really want to know?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

“You’re not going to like hearing this, but you are the most like me of all my children.”

I frowned, and Mom laughed.

“It’s true. I was like you when I was young. I made your grandfather crazy with my antics. I want you to keep that spark.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you decided on this conversation.”

“I saw the way you were with Damon. He’s reserved but has no problems with you being you. You spent the evening saying outrageous things, and he wasn’t embarrassed or irritated by you or your actions. In fact, he seemed to find your antics amusing. And then, by the end of the evening, your easy way with everything had him relaxed enough to challenge your father to a chess match and not let him win, knowing how he pouts.”

“I still don’t get it.”

Mom joined her hands and lifted them with her head up to the sky. “Mother Mary, give me peace.”

“What did I do wrong?”

“Sophia, I don’t want you to lose the joy like I did. If you pick someone like your father, you will. With someone like Damon, you won’t.”

My throat burned as I put the pieces of everything Mom said together.

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“You have choices. You’ll figure it out. You always have.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes. The weight of resentment slowly lifted from my shoulders.

“Well then. Now that we’ve finished with the heavy stuff. I want to hear about your collection. I’m sure it will scandalize me.”

I stared at Mom, unsure if I would burst into tears or start laughing. This was the mother I longed for, the woman I never ever expected to exist under the skin of the person I knew all of my life. How had I gotten here with her?

It made no sense.
