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I’d closed myself off for so long and now paid the price.

My phone buzzed on my desk with a series of texts. I glanced at my watch, seeing it was close to six o’clock. The messages were probably from the different crew leads sending me updates on the various projects around the city.

This meant I was now officially off the clock. Not like I was doing any damn work anyway, but whatever.

Releasing a deep breath, I scanned the skyline one last time and decided an ass-kicking in the gym was what I needed to help me get my head on straight.

An hour and a half later, I arrived in my penthouse, sore and feeling somewhat better after a hard workout.

Throwing my things on the kitchen island, I moved to the fridge when my cell flashed with more incoming texts.

What the fuck? Silencing the thing made no difference if the strobe light would blind me.

I grabbed the mobile and read the display, seeing Lucian’s name on the screen with an indicator saying there were five messages from him.

Whatever the asshole wanted me to do for him tonight. The answer was, a big fat get the hell out of here, no.

I couldn’t care less what incentive he dangled in front of me. I had no energy for a clean-up situation, and the only Morelli I wanted to deal with anytime soon was currently out of reach.

When my phone rang with an incoming call, I groaned. Then, seeing Lucian’s number flash on the screen shifted my annoyance to concern.

If he called, that meant it was urgent. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

I answered, “What’s wrong?”

“Is that how you answer a phone?”

“It is when you blow up my phone with texts and then call me before I get a chance to read them.”

“What the fuck was the point of me texting you two hours ago if you don’t read the messages?”

Two hours ago? Fuck. He was the one messaging me in the office.

“Some of us work, Morelli. What do you want?”

“Scan the messages and tell me what you’re planning so I’m prepared. I was giving you a heads-up earlier. Now things are different.”

I frowned, putting him on speaker. “Could you get any more dramatic? Hold on, let me look at the messages.”

When I pulled up the text, my blood ran cold, and I asked Lucian, “Who’s the friend?”

I scanned the messages, wanting to kill whoever this fucker was with my bare hands.

5:46 Lucian: Do you know where my sister is going tonight?

5:46 Lucian: She made a reservation for two. Who the fuck is she bringing with her?

5:47 Lucian: Did I or did I not revoke your membership, asshole?

5:52 Lucian: She’s coming with a friend. Do you know this friend? When the fuck did this happen? I thought you two fixed things.

Lucian’s response made me want to eliminate him, too. “Does it matter? All Ventana told me was that Sophia arranged a guest pass with him for a friend. He’s having cocktails with her now. Violent Delights.”

I clenched my jaw. “Sophia is already at Violent Delights?”

“She arrived fifteen minutes ago.”

“Who is her guest?”
