Page 62 of Own

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And then I came along and messed up the way of things.

“Lizzy, this is Foster. He is a house submissive. Foster, this is Lizzy.” Damon gestured to Lizzy’s blue wristband, signifying she was completely new to the kink world and not available for play. “She’s interested in seeing demonstrations and learning more about the lifestyle. Keep her safe for me. No one is to speak to her without permission, and she is not available to anyone for a scene.”

“Nothing will happen to her. I promise.” Foster’s enthusiasm reminded me of an adorable puppy who wanted to please.

“Lizzy, you good with this?” I had to ask her.

Instead of giving me a straight answer, she tucked her arm into Foster’s and waved goodbye.

From the shell-shocked expression on Foster’s face, he was probably reconsidering his agreement to Damon’s request.

“What happened to Lizzy in college over the last few months?” Damon asked, seeming confused by Lizzy’s behavior. “She is a completely different person now than the girl I met after your vigilante incident.”

When he said the last part, he shot me a smirk, which had me pursing my lips. Yep, that night wasn’t one of my finer moments.

“She’s trying to figure out who she is. Just like all of us do.”

“Have you figured out who you are, Sophia?”

I turned to face him. “Some. I’m a work in progress.”

“As I’ve discovered recently. We all are.” Suddenly, something wicked entered his eyes, and he offered me his hand. “May I have the privilege of your company this evening?”

A shiver slid down my spine. Damon said those exact words to me in this very spot the night we met. That was how I’d fallen down the rabbit hole of Damon Pierce.

I’d intended it to be one night to lose myself in the world of kink and then return to my mundane life.

Then he’d shattered my plans, and I’d never been the same again.

I smiled at him and gave him the same line I’d spoken many months ago. “You wouldn’t have come over here if you didn’t believe I’d say yes.”

“A real gentleman always asks.” His eyes sparkled with humor.

I slid my palm over his. “We know you are no gentleman when it comes to sex, Mr. Pierce. You’re positively unhinged.”

His pupils dilated, and my core spasmed.

“That’s not the line.” He curled his fingers around mine and drew me to him, bringing his face a few inches from mine. “Did you forget our initial conversation?”

“No, I remember every word.” I gazed into his heated emerald depths. “But, I know you better now. My revisions are much more accurate.”

“And what is the verdict on this side of my personality?”

I licked my lips, and his focus shifted to my mouth for a fraction of a second before returning to my eyes. “I prefer this to the façade of the gentleman.”

“Are you saying I wear a mask to hide my true nature?”

“Don’t we all? Some of us are better at disguise than others.” I rose onto tiptoes to rub my cheek against the stubble along his jaw. “Though, I prefer it when you don’t wear anything.”

“Is that a hint you want me naked?”

“I—I’m not hinting,” I said through a shallow breath. “I’m making it very obvious. You denied me the other night. I want restitution.”

“We were in your parent’s house.”

“Are we there now? You need to service me, Mr. Pierce.”

“Service you? I believe you misunderstand the dynamics of this relationship.”
