Page 65 of Own

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The man had this savage beauty about him that drew me. Because of him, I had a new collection. He’d inspired so much of it.

His breathing grew more unsteady, and his hold on my hair tightened to the verge of being too painful.

His cock swelled in my mouth, and he clenched his eyes and jaw tight before he gritted out. “Take every damn drop. Don’t let anything spill out. I want you to suck me dry.”

I barely readied when he held me against him, shuttering and coming in hot, hard spurts. The salty, sweet essence filled my mouth, and I could only swallow.

I ached everywhere, needing relief. Damon pulled me off him. Immediately, my strength faltered, and my face dropped to his thigh as I gasped and trembled.

After a few seconds, he tugged me to my feet and held me against him.

Once our breaths calmed, he glided his palms up the side of my body.

I lifted my gaze to see the unleashed desire still coursing over his features. However, a predatory light had entered his green irises.

As if sensing my thoughts, his lips curved slightly, and he said, “Turn around.”

Without hesitation, I followed his direction and stopped in shock as I faced a Saint Andrew’s Cross.

Had that been there this whole time?

How had I missed it?

I really needed to pay attention to my surroundings.

I studied the beautiful piece of equipment and all of its intricate details.

It wasn’t like the ones in the other rooms. It seemed to be made of a higher quality wood as if it were a custom piece with thick padding and soft buttery leather overlay.

At the four points where a person’s arms and legs would attach were lined cuffs made of the same high-quality material. Then, there was the magnificent design work etched into the wood. Only a master craftsperson could have achieved that level of artistry.

No way was this some ordinary Dom’s playroom.

“Who does this room belong to?” I asked, hearing the rustling of clothes.

His warm fingers settled on my hips. “No one. It’s open to the top Doms in the club.”

“Meaning it was Lucian’s until he stopped coming here.”

He used his body to walk me forward, pressing my torso to the bisecting beams. “It is ours for tonight.”

Pushing the thought of my brother to the back of my mind, I focused on Damon. He’d completely stripped while I studied the Saint Andrew’s Cross. The heat of his chest on my back was a heady contrast to the cool, soft leather material against my front.

The way his arms reached around me, caging me, made me feel safe, cocooned.

He took hold of a cuff and attached my wrist to the top of one side of the cross. Then, I repeated the process with my other hand. He stretched me out, exposing me back to whatever he planned.

My skin burned and prickled with goose bumps. The throbbing deep in my core intensified as my desire coated the inside of my thighs.

I knew what he was doing. Going slow to heighten the expectation, the need.

He surprised me when he fitted my ankles to the bottom of the equipment, positioning me in the complete shape of the Saint Andrew’s Cross. This wasn’t something I’d experienced with him before.

I wouldn’t have any control.

How could he know I craved this desperately? To not think, to lose myself in the experience, to hand myself over. With him, I was safe. With him, there was pleasure. With him, I could let go.

His shallow breathing told me he was as affected by this as I was.
