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“My little jailbird comes up with the best ideas.”

I glared at her. “What happened to the butterfly? I was acquitted, remember? Not jailbird, butterfly.”

“Diva is more like it. Come on, show me some more concepts you’re working on for the next batch of designs.”

“Whatever you say, oh great teacher.”

* * *

“Don’t even think about it, Sophia Donatella Morelli.”

I glared at Mom as I made the last-minute adjustment to the cleavage of Eva’s gown and then smiled up at my beautiful sister.

“For your information, I’m trying to keep her girls covered. I think she grew a cup size in the last two days. Jesus, Eva. Please do me a favor and don’t go into labor before you say your vows. That lady over there will say I’m the reason my nephew was born out of wedlock.”

Eva gave me a beaming smile and winked at me, leaning down. “I’ll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to say anything to, you know who.”

We both sneaked a peak at Mom, who busily fussed at the stylist working on Lizzy’s hair for the wedding.

“I have a feeling I know what you are about to say, so let me hear it.”

“Finn and I took care of the deed a few months ago. All of this.” She gestured around her. “Is all a formality.”

I lifted a brow. “I hope you know I plan to collect for making me suffer through multiple fittings with mommy dearest.”

“I have no doubt.” Eva wrapped her arms around my shoulders and drew me to her. “How are you holding up? We haven’t had any time alone for the last week.”

“I’m hanging in there. That studio space near that art gallery is perfect. I get to see the busy streets and hear the bustle of the people below but get to keep the insanity of the city away from me while I work.”

“I wish you would have told me you planned to rent it. I would have given it to you for free, considering I owned the building.”

I pursed my lips. “Separation of church and state. Business and family are two different things. This is my venture, and if I told you I was interested in the space, you would have lost out on the fair market value.”

“You’re my sister.”

“Ditto. And you are carrying my nephew. He has to eat.”

Eva shook her head and rubbed her growing belly. “This kid is heir to a billion-dollar fortune. I think he’ll have plenty of food.”

The doors of the church dressing room opened, and Leo and Lucian strode in as if they hadn’t a care in the world.

They scanned everyone in the room, shot each other a glance, and homed in on Eva.

“Ready to make an honest man out of Finn Hughes?” Lucian asked, which immediately brought a gasp from Mom’s lips.

“Really, Lucian. What if someone hears you speaking like that? Why draw attention to Eva’s condition?”

Leo rolled his eyes. “If people are blind to her upcoming motherhood, they need a punch to the face.”

“Can we all pretend to be civilized for one evening? I have no idea where I went wrong with all of you.” Mother lifted her face to the sky as if praying.

Eva covered my mouth as a retort bubbled up, making me scowl at her.

“Are we ready?” Eva asked Mom, who now beamed at her. “Will you walk with me until we reach Dad? And then you can take your seat.”

“Of course, my dear. I’m so glad you understand some decorum, even if you skipped the step of waiting until after marriage to bring forth my grandchild.”

Ignoring the last part of Mom’s statement, Eva offered Mom her hand, and she stepped toward her.
