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I glanced over at Lucian, who hadn’t lost the scowl on his face since he found out Damon and I eloped over a month ago. Or maybe today’s glower was because Elaine was opening the show with the piece I called “The Virgin.”

“He’s never going to forgive you. You do know this?” Damon’s amusement had me smiling.

After inviting all of the women in the family to walk the show, as expected, I received a series of nopes via their over-the-top possessive spouses. However, to my surprise, Elaine accepted and said she wanted to feel young and nothing like a mom of multiple kids.

It wasn’t until after I fitted Elaine for her piece that I learned Lucian had no idea she planned to walk the runway.

“He’ll get over it.”

Lucian stood, focusing in on me. “Don’t bet on it. My wife. The mother of my children is going to be half-naked in front of New York City because of you.”

“Let me correct you.” I stalked over to him and then jabbed a finger in his chest. “Elaine is going to show the world that she is a beautiful woman who has given birth, is proud of her figure, tolerates being married to you, and can rock the runway.”

“You’re a fucking menace, Sophia Morelli.”

“Morelli-Pierce,” Damon corrected from behind me, making me shake my head. “Did you forget she’s married to me now? She’s mine.”

“Neanderthals. I’m surrounded by chest beating Neanderthals.” I walked away from them and toward the prep area, where all the models were seated at makeup stations with robes covering their bodies.

I spotted Lizzy, a look of apprehension on her face.

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

“What if I fall? What if I tear it? What if I—”

“Lizzy,” I cut her off and took hold of her hands. “You are going to shine today.”

“I shouldn’t be the one going down the runway in a wedding gown. It’s not like I’ll ever wear something like that in real life.”

I glanced at Christa, the makeup artist, signaling to give us a moment. She nodded and approached another station to talk to the model and stylist.

I lowered until I was at eye level with Lizzy.

“I said the same thing, and look where I am.”

“You didn’t wear a gown, remember? You wore pants with a tuxedo jacket-bustier type thing.”

“True, but that’s a secret, remember. As far as the family knows, you were as clueless as them.”

“Yeah, yeah. To the grave.”

I brushed my lips over Lizzy’s forehead. “Are you ready to admit that whatever has had you all twisted up and out of sorts for the last few months has to do with a boy you met while at school?”

“Do I have to?” Her surly expression had me smiling.

“This guy really screwed you over, didn’t he?”

“You don’t even know the half of it,” she sighed.

Even though I knew it was part of growing up, I hated to see my baby sister suffering through a broken heart. I couldn’t fix this for her. It was something she’d have to figure out on her own. But I could support her in the way only a sister could.

“Fuck him. He didn’t deserve you.”

Her eyes widened, and she said, “You don’t know the story.”

“I don’t need to. Anyone who hurts my sister is a jerk.”

She gave me a brilliant smile. “Sophia, I don’t ever want you to change. You’ll take on the head of a mafia syndicate if they fucked me over, wouldn’t you?”
