Page 136 of Sin and Betrayal

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“I did that months ago. Just the way you are made it easy to forgive you and fall back into our friendship.”

“But not what we were before?” Xander asked.

Theo shook his head before glancing at me and cupping my cheek. “We love Nerine. Focusing on her was safer.”

“You mean less complicated,” Xander interjected. “You wanted to avoid getting hurt again. I get it. You didn’t trust me not to let you down again.”

“Could I expect anything else, when the only person I could rely on for the last five years was myself?” Theo shifted his focus to Xander, a crease forming between his brows. “You were my business partner, nothing more.”

Xander moved toward him as if ready to shove him. “Are you kidding me right now? I was there, but you made it business. It was like talking to a stranger half the time.Youdid that, not me.”

“Calm down, both of you.” I stepped between them, trying my best to push them apart and failing. “For all that’s holy, you’re supposed to talk this out, not fight.”

“He needs a punch in the face for thinking I wasn’t there.” Xander’s temper was at ten out of ten, and at this moment there was no reasoning with him.

“You destroyed us and expected me to call you and say ‘Hey, life sucks pretending to be the dipshit’s lackey. Want to talk?’ Not a fucking chance.”

And of course, Theo decided to use his calm-as-fuck voice to antagonize Xander. It annoyed the hell out of me when he used it during arguments with me, so I could only imagine how Xander would take it in this state.

“So you chose to screw as many people as possible while you worked your way through Europe wheeling and dealing?”

A calculating smile touched Theo’s lips, that made me want to clock him, too. “Oh, so you’re jealous that I fucked someone other than you. Interesting. From what I know, you did the same.”

“Only after I learned about you.”

Okay, this was getting ridiculous and completely off-track. They were both fucking around with everyone.


“The one who needs to be angry about this particular situation is the one who is trying to keep us from beating the hell out of each other.”

“Do not bring me into this mess.” I blew out a breath and used my arms to push them as far apart as I could. When that didn’t work, I dug my nails into their chests, and they shifted.

“Fucking idiots. Now I know why it sucks to be the mediator.”

Both of their attentions homed in on me. I looked between them, feeling the calm in the energy between them.

“It does, doesn’t it, Angel?” Theo asked. “I do it for a living. And he does it on the regular with us.”

“It’s utterly exhausting when you two go at it,” Xander added, and Theo’s gaze lifted to his, something passing between them that I couldn’t understand.

“Both of you have to let go of the past or this isn’t going to work.” They continued to stare at each other, not saying anything. “Answer this, did the love die?”

“Of course not.” Xander released a frustrated breath. “I’ve never hidden how I felt from either of you. He’s the one who needs to answer the question.”

After a few moments, Theo said, “No, it didn’t die.”

Then as if I was watching in slow motion, Theo reached across me, grabbed Xander’s shirt, pulled him in his direction, and brought their mouths together. I shifted just as their bodies collided.

The kiss was no way near soft or gentle, more on the lines of devouring. It was an exploration of mouths, biting and tasting, while hands roamed and touched.

The sounds they made, especially the groans shot deep into my core, igniting my arousal to a fever pitch.

They were beautiful together, something I’d waited to see.

Xander fisted Theo’s hair, releasing a delicious feral sound as Theo stroked him through his pants.

They broke the kiss, pausing, taking each other in. Their faces flushed, their breaths unsteady, and their hard, thick cocks pressing along the inseams of their pants.
