Page 145 of Sin and Betrayal

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I staggered from the bed, grabbing clothes and putting them on. I searched for my phone and realized it was gone. In fact, all of our devices were gone.

Jesus. This had to be a professional job. I never slept this deep, and how the fuck had they gotten through our security?

Would the Assassin Squad do this? Nerine had spoken of wanting freedom, and they were the ones with the means to make it happen.

No. Nerine had put away her plans to leave. She wouldn’t lie to us. We’d planned our future last night. She was the one who decided for us to marry sooner rather than later, even though I suggested we should wait a few more months.

Moving into the closet, I pushed back some of Nerine’s clothes and found the safe. Opening it, I grabbed some backup phones.

I checked the devices, and none of them had signals.

Whoever did this had tech skills beyond any average motherfucker.

Gripping the back of my neck, I reached into the safe and pushed through the false wall encasing in the far right of the enclosure. Thank God for Xander and his paranoia.

I pulled out flashlights and his encrypted satellite phone. Turning it on, I released a deep breath as the screen lit up.

I dialed Clay, who patrolled the properties near the port tonight.

“Sir, we’ve been trying to get through, but all lines are dead, and access to the house is restricted. We assumed you put the compound on lockdown.”

“No. I have no idea what’s going on, but you need to get here now. Whoever it was drugged Xander and me. We need to account for the Angelos women.”

“They aren’t there?”

I blinked a few times. “I just came to. I’m going to search. The house is too fucking quiet.”

At that moment, I heard the distinct sound of something crashing and knew it was Xander stumbling off the bed and knocking things off the side table. Whatever dose they gave him was probably a hell of a lot stronger than mine.

“Xander is conscious. Let me check on him. Call in our forces. Assume we are under attack. Contact Theios Alex. He’ll know how to coordinate everyone.”

“We assumed he was at the compound. No one can reach him.”

“Fuck.” I gripped my hair. “Send someone to his house. Check on them. Report back and get your asses here.”

I hung up, grabbed the flashlights, and went to the bedroom.

The churning in my stomach pissed me off to no end. This was bullshit.

Whoever gave me this drug needed their head bashed in.

Xander braced his hand against a wall. Fear burned in his eyes, and the firm set of his jaw made it obvious he was doing all he could to keep hold of the panic welling up inside him.

“Tell me this isn’t happening.”

“I can’t. Our nightmare has come to life. Xander, Theios Alex is missing.”

“The fuck he is. I talked to him before we went to bed. Mom and Pops were at home.”

“I sent a team over to check on them. Right now, we need to find Nerine and the girls.” I tossed him a flashlight and his pants. “You take the passageway to Fiona’s room. I’ll go down the main hallway.”

He nodded.

We went through every bedroom, with no sign of any of them. All their things were as they had left them the day before, nothing out of place. The only thing missing was them.

Our men were alive but lay unconscious all over the place, all drugged.

The sat phone beeped with an incoming message, and as I read it, my heart sank.
