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June 29, 8:00pm

Laura called.She doesn’t know what to do. After our experience in Chicago, she went back to see her family, and was given an ultimatum to find a proper husband for whom she could properly wife. She and I both know that she’ll make a horrible wifey. She doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, not even sure whether she wants to have kids. But that’s not an acceptable life according to her family. She can’t tell them about me and David either. Well, I suppose she could, but the results are what she’s so scared of.What a shame.

After a few tears, we come to a conclusion. She’s going to throw herself into a husband finding mode in Los Angeles while David and I are on our own. We’re a couple. Sort of. Laura will float in and out of our life when she feels safe to do so. I’m skeptical of this approach, but David tells her he understands what it’s like to have a conservative family, and that we’ll support her pursuits.We do make for excellent wingmen. Wing people?

* * *

With Deestill sidelined with work and getting grouchier by the day, and Laura sidelined by her new-found need for a husband, we started dating one of the women in the board game group, Lysandra. A week later, he met Florence at a local munch.When it rains, it pours?Can we do two relationships approximately the same time?I’m glad we met them both, they both gave me valuable gifts. I can only hope I returned the gift. I did my best.

David had one evening you could properly call a “date” with Florence, maybe two. The first time they met for high tea at a famous hotel.Très romantique. I think I might have been at home, in bed, chilling and most likely Netflix’ing. Not even in the same city he’s in.

He texted me, halfway through, saying she wanted to talk to me. So, I, without probably thinking it through enough, called him up. He answered. I fumbled through a conversation with him for maybe two minutes, at which point he got her on the phone. They were at the bar by then. She’d been drinking. She happily chatted with me for a few minutes, before I let her go, excusing myself by saying I had received a text but hadn't meant to interrupt their date. She assured me I’m fine and she couldn’t wait to meet me. I guess he and she went back to the apartment afterwards. He relayed everything to me later. Over the next few months, they tried to meet up for dinner but their schedules could never align. I didn’t end up meeting her until February. The night of the hospital, as it happens.

She eventually became a very sweet friend of mine, and to an extent, of his, too. It never became romantic, though. I’m not sure what she wanted, and I’m not sure she knew either. But she was always happy and content. Some people are like that, and I am happy for them. I wish I had that idyllic inner peace.

Meantime, David and I had begun dating Lys. We both met her, for the first time, at a coffee shop by her house. There’s also a pizza place nearby, but we never made it there.Damn, now I’m craving pizza.Pizza is completely underrated as a fine cuisine. I suspected things would not work out to her, due to her allergies to most foods. She loved tacos and made the most awesome homemade Spanish rice, but she couldn’t eat much else and struggled when eating out.

It’s an ordinary first date. That led to an ordinary second date, and third date, and we started making plans to travel together.

* * *

July 15, 5:00pm

Tom keeps calling.I guess I am of that age where I’m supposed to be desperate to find a husband?

“Just go on a date with him,” says David. “He sounds mostly harmless.”

“We kissed,” I say with a somewhat guilty look on my face. “We used to be steady, and now he probably thinks he can take me to bed again.”

“What’s the big deal with that?” he answers. “I’m 1500 miles away, go on a date, have a bit of fun. Clearly you thought highly enough of his skills in bed before.”

“No, you don’t understand,” I say. “He will push for marriage.”

“That’s entirely up to you,” he responds. “If you’re not interested in anything beyond his company, just be upfront and clear with him. If you are interested in exploring that, I’m not going to stand in your way either. Maybe this is the time for both you and Giraffe to figure that part of your life out.”

He’s right, of course. Eventually I give in and go on another date with Tom. Dinner and a one of those Marvel movies he loves so much. I like them too, but I like to get into depth about what everything means, and Tom is just there for the action. But I go along, like a good wifey. I laugh at his jokes; I play the part of the demure girlfriend.This is not me; I scream inside a little.But it’s not a bad time, and I could use some company with David, Laura, and Dee all wrapped up in their lives.Maybe that was my sowing my wild oats portion and I’m supposed to settle down and have kids now.

Next thing I know, I wake up next to Tom in his place next morning. He is snoring. I look down at my phone and see a good night and good morning text from David. I’m not sure what to say, except his next text asks,

“So, kitten, did Tom’s bedroom prowess lived up to your lofty expectations?”

“How did you know,” I text back?

“Well, it’s very unlike you to answer your good night texts, I figured you were busy.”

“And you’re ok with that?” I ask?

“I don’t own you, and even if I did, it’s healthy for you to climax regularly,” he texts back.

Tom starts stirring. I look at his sleeping form.No, this is not me. This is not my life. This may have been another reason I ran off to Thailand. To get away from the expectations that this must be my life. To find something… Different.

* * *

July 23, 9:00pm

Davidand I went to San Diego for a conference. We hoped to see Laura who was just up the road in Orange County, but she went to Mexico with her new pursuit, John. So, being left to our own devices, we hung out with a woman named Amy from the conference. She is a local, who is short, slender, with large dark eyes, and surprisingly pale skin for living on the beach. She wore a significant amount of makeup, so I could be mistaken. I don’t like wearing makeup myself; if you forget, one day, everyone tells you how tired you look, andare you sick, honey? No, I’m not wearing layers of overpriced liquids and powders. But thank you kindly for the vapid concern.

We shared sushi and sake and conversed on human nature. The ocean lay still, lit with moonlight, with a few people scattered about on the sand. We chose to take a romantic walk on the beach, after all, it felt like a first date.Do I like romantic walks on the beach? Yes, yes, I do.It’s one of the questions I answered on my dating profile, not that anyone bothers to read those. Besides, I must have answered near five hundred questions by now. Who has the time to read through all that?
