Page 18 of Rip Current

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I finished my shift and then headed home. I sent Jax a text asking him to come over, then prepared a nice meal. I lit candles and set them along the bar that separated the kitchen from the living area. Then set up a small waterfall I bought and turned it on. I had learned pretty quickly that Jax appreciated an intimate setting at home over going out in public, and I was perfectly okay with that most of the time. This was definitely one of those times.

When Jax came in, he walked up to the bar and put his fingers in the water, and it changed colors—blue, green, red, orange, and back to blue. “This is nice. I like it, but what’s up?”

I shifted my weight from foot to foot. “I got the job.”

Jax’s face fell. “Oh…”

“But wait, Jax. The company offered me a different location.” I was excited to get the news out.


“Their chain has a resort on Cook Island. I’ll be Activities Director, which means I’m over activities, of course, but also the gift shop, lifeguards, and other instructors.”

“Wait. You said Cook Island? That was Holiday Club you interviewed with, right?”

“Yeah. The branch is Lagoon Resort. I saw some pictures and —"

“That’s really close to where my mother is.”

“It’s an island, so…”

“Can I come?” He looked so hopeful.

“That was the point.”

Jax circled the bar and wrapped his arms around my waist. He picked me up and swung me around. He kissed me on the lips. Twice.

I was pretty sure I made the right decision. The job would be fun, and having Jax with me would make it even better. It would be the adventure I’d been looking for. “I love you, Jax.”

Jax’s smile stretched across his face, and a light sparked in his eyes, glowing a brilliant azure. “I’ve been waiting to tell you that. I guess this is a perfect moment. I love you, too.”

Chapter thirteen



I walked through the sand behind the three potential surfers standing on the boards on the beach, checking out their forms and correcting one before moving to the other. I had an advanced lesson later in the day, but the beginners were always fun. I put them through pop-up drills for a few minutes before releasing them for the day.

Giving surfing lessons was the best job, and I loved it. I’d even gotten certified through the resort, the Polynesian Islander. I had to work at a different resort, or Neil would be my boss, which would not work. At. All. Either way, it meant I had fully joined the human world. Well, mostly.

Humans weren’t so bad. Neil had changed me, made me happy. I couldn’t wait to see his soft eyes and smiling face every day.

I dug my feet in the sand and looked out at the water. My mother was out there somewhere, and I missed her in Cambria Bay. I missed my father, but we promised to stay in touch, and so far, we’d kept to that, exchanging emails and phone calls. Our relationship seemed to be one that was better at a distance. I was coming to terms with that.

I grabbed my board and paddled out, intent on catching a few waves before it was time for the next lesson.


When the sun started going down, I went home. I lived with Neil in a bungalow on the Lagoon Resort property. Holiday reserved them for temporary staff. Even though Neil was considered permanent, we were allowed to use it until we found somewhere on the island. It was a nice place, though.

The side facing the water was all windows, so we got an amazing view. At night, the lights glowed a soft orange, making the place warm and cozy, where it came off as cool and airy during the day. We didn’t have a lot of our own things decorating the place, but the one thing Neil had insisted on was the sand dollar I painted for him. He hung it on the wall in the kitchen, saying he needed to see it there every-damn-day. If it made him happy, I would paint a million of them and hang them all over the bungalow. With or without the decorations, I could see us living here long term. We would have to see if we could work something out with Holiday. Or find something close that was as nice.

Neil barged through the front door, practically throwing himself into my arms. Exactly where I wanted him. I wrapped Neil up and held him tight before kissing him thoroughly. When he finally eased out of the kiss, Neil asked, “How was your day?”

“It was good, but I have to tell you something. Mother is coming for dinner. It’s time you met her.” I smiled. “Are you okay with that?”

“Uh, okay…” Neil looked terrified. His gentle green eyes reflected the glow of the lamp.
