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But…I’d think about that tomorrow.



THE SOUND OF a heartbeat, steady and strong, filtered through my dream. In it, I was lying draped over Daire, my head on his chest, and one of my legs tangled with his. Even in sleep he had a protective hold on me, his arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me close.

I didn’t want to wake up.

Here, I could pretend I’d spent all night in his bed as he took me over and over again, never getting enough. Here, I could imagine he’d wanted me to stay for as long as I wanted to. To wake up together, like we were more to each other than a quick fuck. That it wasn’t just our bodies that fit together so well.

I felt so safe. Protected. Wanted. Desired. Why would I want to be anywhere else?

With a happy sigh, I curled into him, shifting carefully so I didn’t wake him. But Dream Daire roused anyway, his eyes still closed as he began to slowly run his fingers through my hair.

Yeah, this was definitely a dream. The move was too gentle to come from Reality Daire, who had nothing gentle about him. Not his words, not his personality, and not at all the sexy, sharply defined muscles I’d spent half of my dream tracing with my tongue.

Just the thought of doing that again had my heart beating a little faster.

Wait—that wasn’t my heartbeat that was speeding up. That was?—

I opened my eyes as the hand in my hair ran down my neck to my back. The pulsing beneath my ear belonged to the warm body I was lying across, his chest serving as my pillow.

As the dream faded and awareness began to kick in, I realized where I was.

Dark grey walls with even darker curtains. Metal accents spaced throughout the large room, giving it an edgy street style. And wood floors that were bare except for the heap of clothes Daire had taken off us.

Holy shit, I hadn’t been dreaming at all.

With a start, I jerked my head up, and Daire’s eyes flew open in alarm.

“What’s wrong?” Even barely awake and his voice gravel-rough with sleep, Daire lifted up onto his elbows like he was ready to jump out of bed and take care of whatever the emergency was.

There wasn’t an emergency. Unless you counted the shock rolling through me.

“I’m…” I swallowed, blinking him into focus as the morning sun sliced a path across the bed. “I’m in your room.”

Daire tilted his head to the side, dark brows slashed low. “Yeah. And?”

“I was here all night?” I wasn’t sure why that came out as a question when the answer was obvious, but my brain couldn’t seem to wrap itself around this. I’d rarely set foot in Daire’s room, much less slept there. He’d said so many times around the guys that he wasn’t the “see you in the morning” type.

He dropped his head back on the pillow, pulling me along with him so I was lying on his shoulder.

“You seem surprised,” he said. “Need a reminder of what went down last night?”

Before I could answer, he lowered his mouth to my ear.

“Namely me.”

NowthatI remembered in full, picture-perfect detail. It would be stamped there for all eternity, because nothing,nothingwas hotter than Daire Connery with my cock in his mouth.

When my dick jerked against his thigh at the memory, Daire’s rough chuckle vibrated against my cheek.

“Glad you enjoyed it,” he said, moving his hand to my bare hip and brushing his thumb across my skin. “Because I sure as hell did.”

He touched me freely, and it felt so good and so right that all I could do was melt into him, even though there was nothing soft about his body. I fit against him perfectly, and I couldn’t have forced back my happy sigh if I tried.

Closing my eyes, I let my hand drift over the contours of his stomach and up to his smooth and hairless chest.
