Page 19 of Veil of Fate

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My eyes fly to the numbers pinned to each girl’s chest, and I shudder. Once upon a time, I defeated this very fate. I was destined to be a ‘number five’, and here I am doing nothing to help these poor girls.

My teeth gnash together, and my fingers trail to the knife strapped at my waist.

“I’m not an enemy you want to have, Zora,” The Beast growls as he catches my movement.

“What will you do with them?” I ask, my voice distant as two versions of myself go to war within me — the one that wants to set these girls free like I once did for myself, and the one that needs to keep my good standing with The Beast so I can find my brother.

“I will escort them to the Underground tomorrow evening.” The Beast walks over to the girls and surveys each of them.

I look away, unable to hide my disgust. “Do this while I’m not here,” I grit out.

The Beast glares at me. “That sounds a lot like a demand.”

“It is,” I say and lift my chin.Fuck him and his business.

The Beast takes a large step toward me, peering down at me from behind his mask.

I cringe at the desire I find in his eyes and immediately take a step back, but he snatches my wrist. A feral growl scratches up my throat. “Get your hand off of me.”

He tightens his grip. “How many threads, I wonder,” he begins and lifts his free hand to touch a strand of my hair. He delicately wraps it around his finger and yanks down on it.

I gasp in pain, and I snarl as his lust deepens. “How many threads for what?” I reach for my blade, this time with no hesitance, but Felix crowds the space beside me, flashing a sword.Fuckshitdammittohell —

“How many threads would it take for you to bend over for a Royalist, Zora,” he mutters.

“You pig, get off of me,” I hiss and firmly move away. I pull my knife, and Felix draws his sword.

The Beast holds up a hand, signaling for Felix to wait. “I’m a businessman, Zora. If I see a high-priced whore, I make her mine to sell. You would fetch a grand price, and I’d even let you keep a percentage.”

“I am not, nor will I ever be, for sale,” I say, my words growing with heat.

The Beast drinks my body in. “Shame.”

My stomach clenches with rage. “Are you going to give me the name of my parents’ murderer?”

“Oh, he didn’t murder them. He just might be able to point you in the right direction.” The Beast slips past me to his chair, opening a flask on his side table and taking a swig. “He’s the only person left alive after the last regime, besides the heir, anyway — and I don’t see Cristen Estal as being in your reach.”

Unless I win his hand in marriage, I think, suddenly ecstatic I kept that little tidbit away from The Beast. “Who is he?” I ask, my anger stifling as excitement builds in my chest.This is it. An answer. Finally.

“He goes by Talis,” The Beast says, his expression bored as he drops down into his chair.

My excitement flutters to a standstill. “Talis? Are you sure?”

“I’m always sure.”

I shake my head in disbelief.

“You’re dismissed.” The Beast pulls his notebook back into his lap, his attention leaving me.

I turn to leave, my heart in my throat as I force myself to shove past the girls in chains.Maybe there’s something I can do. I suck in a breath.But one problem at a time.I careen down the stairs and move into the flow of the street outside.

The sun sets, and the streets come to life with vendors. I spot Gretta with her flower cart, but I go in the other direction. I know she’ll ask me more questions about The Prince, and at the moment, I can’t stomach them.

My gaze rakes over the crowded streets as I search for Talis.How did I miss that coincidence?I scratch my forehead. I knew Talis was part of the royal court, and yet I managed not to connect any dots.Is that how he knew me the first night?My stomach squeezes at that idea. He knew my name, and now I know it’s because he helped ruin my life.

I continue to comb the streets to no avail, and I settle on a random porch step. In Gronem, there are several blocks of different streets, but The Market area is the most populated portion. If I had to guess, Talis will show up at some point. I just have to wait.

What am I even going to do?A voice nags me, and my fingers latch around my blade.Kill him. I need to kill him.I lean my elbows on my knees.Torture him for the answers I want, then kill him.
