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“Slow down with the drinks, B.”

Ignoring my brother’s comment, I flip Jackson off when he snickers at me. “You’re going to run out of chicks soon, bro. Why don’t you ever stick around for seconds?”

Just to be an asshole, I grab Adam’s shot from the tray, raise it to him in a toast and swallow it down. He’s not going to tell me what I can drink and how much. “That’s not me. They know it. I know it. I take what I need and move on.”

Jackson leans against the pool table. “You take it from Adley yet?”

“Mm, Adley with that ass.”

“Billy!” Adam shouts at me.

“Oh relax,” I say with a laugh. “She’s into it. You should see how she watches me when I see her in town.”

Adam stands on the opposite side of the pool table and points at me. “I’m warning you about her. That’s Chelsea’s sister, and I don’t need to hear her crying about you.”

“Oh, it wouldn’t be crying you’d hear.”

“How are you even my brother?” Adam shakes his head, giving me a disgusted look before surveying the table for his next shot.

Leaning on the pool stick with the other hand on my hip, I take my dig at him. “Well, Adam, besides our last name, I’m not too sure, either. See, until I find exactly what I’m looking for, I’m not going to tie someone down. It’s all about having a good time right now. I’m not going to make promises or entice them with shiny things.”

He pauses his shot and looks at me with narrowed eyes, so I add, “And I’m certainly not going to make them move to a different state just so I can leave them alone while I work eighteen hours a day.”

He slams his stick and hurdles the table to get in my face, and I smile at the way his nose flares and his eyes spark with anger at my words.

I wait for him to do something, but he won’t.

He never does.

“Go ahead.” I goad him.

“You’ve got a real problem, you know that?” He studies me and I hold his stare until a malicious look passes his face. “Actually, Ithink it’s the other way around. I bet these women get one look at you and your drinking habits and they run as far away as they can get.”

Hearing those words set my blood boiling. “Fuck you.” I spit the words as Jackson wedges himself between us.

“Calm down, guys. Come on, I’m only here for two days. Don’t ruin our time together.”

“Talk to your bestie about a ruined time. Yoursandhis.”

Grabbing the last two shot glasses on the tray, I drink them both before slamming the empty glasses down on the felt table. Jackson reaches for me but I shake him off, turning and heading out the door.

Adrenaline runs through me as I stalk to my truck and jerk open the door, jumping in and slamming the door shut behind me.

“Who the fuck does he think he is, talking to me like that?” I start the engine and slam the truck into reverse, kicking up dirt and rocks as I go. “Fucking asshole has the girl of the century at his fingertips and he can’t leave work long enough to see she’s ready to run.” Slamming the truck into drive, I tear from the lot, fishtailing as I hit the pavement. “Oldest brother with an ego the size of this state. Thinks he’s so great and untouchable. He’ll find out how great he is when he’s sitting alone every night.”

I speed down the dark highway, recalling my interaction with Adley at the coffee shop, and my body ignites again just remembering her face. “If Adley wants me, I’d let her have me. I’d fucking treat her right, that’s for sure.” I bang on the steering wheel. “Work my eight hours, then come home and love on her for the rest of the night. I wouldn’t let her have a chance to feel alone. I certainly wouldn’t be out at a bar without her.”

Reaching for the radio, I swerve to the right, off the road, throwing up more gravel before righting the truck back on the road. “Fuck.” I take a deep breath and steady myself, not wanting to hear Adam’s words about my drinking. “He didn’t fucking stop me when I left the bar. Some brother he is.”

Lights appear in my rearview and within seconds, they’re up on my bumper. “Fuck!” I check the side mirrors and then I hear the siren,so I let off the gas and pull to the right. “Fuck. Fuck you, Officer Hunter. You got a hard on for me or what?”

Vincent Hunter has been here for about ten years, just him and his daughter, but he quickly put down roots and rose in the ranks at the station. Word is he’s bucking to become the new Police Chief as soon as the old guy we’ve got retires, but in the meantime, he’s playing cop of the year, being in everyone's business. I hate his smug ass attitude, thinking he’s better than everyone else, and it irritates the shit out of me when he shows up at my parent’s house to lecture them about my ‘wild ways’. He’s only a few years older than my brothers and me. It’d do him well to make friends in this town, instead of being a top snitch.

Coming to a stop, turning off the engine, I roll down my window and I wait. I know it’s him. I can tell by the way he walks to my truck. Leaning his arm on the open window, he shines the flashlight right in my face.

“What the fuck, Hunter! Knock it off.” I brush him away.

“William,” he drawls. “You’re moving pretty fast on this road. What’s your hurry?”
