Page 96 of Falling

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“Yeah. There’s a lot to sort out at home.”

“He’ll help you figure things out. He will. Don’t worry. It’ll be all right.”

I want to believe she’s right, but since last night, I’ve had the worst feeling.




The drive isn’t bad, but I don’t make as good of time as I’d been hoping. It’s just not possible with an RV and a trailer attached. Not to mention an emu who, while well-behaved, needs to be watered and exercised and taken on potty breaks.

I do love this emu though. I’d gotten attached to her at my place, but she’s always having to share my time with Delphine and Irene and the other pushy ladiesaround the farm. She’s a little out of sorts without Ruby, looking for her every time I let her out of the trailer.

At what I hope is our last stop, I grab my phone and it takes a few minutes to secure Dolly to a leash. I guide her to an open field and can finally check my phone.

Nothing shows up at first and then a bunch of texts come through all at once. I must have been out of cell service for a while.


Made it. My first time in a helicopter! It was beautiful. Thank you so much for setting up the rental car. I miss you.

I check the time she left it. Fuck. Almost two hours ago. I try to call her, but she doesn’t pick up.

There’s a text from Scarlett too, left before Ruby’s.


Your girl is on her flight. I really love her, Callum. You’ve chosen well. Please let us know if we can help in any way. I’m worried about Ruby.

I wonder what Ruby told her. I try Ruby again and leave a message this time.

“We’re close. I think thirty miles or so. This is your husband, by the way. My family gives me a hard time about never saying hello. So…hello. I stopped to let Dolly out one more time because it had been a while and there was a good spot. I’m rambling. Did you know you’re the only one I’ve ever rambled with?” I chuckle and feel an ache in my chest. All I can think about is how much she lights up when I laugh. “I love you, Sunshine. I’m trying to get to you as soon as I can. I miss you too. So fucking much.”

I hang up and rub my chest.

I pull out Ruby’s ring box and open it up, looking at the ring while Dolly takes her sweet time finding a place to do her business. Ruby put her ring in the box this morning before she left. When she saw that I noticed, she said, “I don’t think I can keep it a secret with this on my finger.”

I understood, but it still unsettled me. More the look on her face than anything.

“And I still need to give Junior’s ring back too.” She held up his ring and put it in a little pouch that she stuck in her backpack.

Was she giving my ring back to me?

She doesn’t have to wear it every minute for me. But I want her to have it with her. Something about seeing her leaving it behind just felt wrong.

I can’t even think about the possibility that she was giving it back.

There’s a message from Theo that I open last.


Hey. Wanted to let you know I was able to stop by the ranch between appointments. Everything looked fine. Delphine seemed a little pissed that I wasn’t you, but that’s no surprise, right? Hilary got there as I was leaving. We’ll take care of things, brother. Don’t worry about a thing, okay?

I text him back.

Thank you. It helps knowing everything’s in capable hands.
