Page 44 of Silver Fox's Baby

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“I know how that goes.” I’m just about to run my fingers through my hair but stop myself. The day has yet to start, and the last thing I need is to walk into class looking likeIspent the night out partying. There are some professors who blur that line, but I’m not one of them.

“How are you?” Micah’s voice brings me back to the phone resting against the side of my face. “Dad said you’ve been going through hell with Madeline. I heard she’s getting married, too.”

“Yeah, he’s not wrong.”

“Sorry about the remarrying.”

I laugh. “Oh, I could care less about that. It’s just the custody situation. I won’t go into details, but it’s always something with her, and she breaks Connor’s heart over and over.”

“I never liked her. You need to find someone more down to earth. That woman from day one has had her head in the clouds and cared about nothing but herself.”

“Yeah. And I was blinded to it.”

“Young love will do that to you.”

I purse my lips, my mind wandering to the redheaded beauty that’s been grading my students’ papers for a couple of weeks now.

I wish I could’ve found young love with someone like her.

But it’s too late for that.

“Anyway, I need to get to my first meeting of the day.” Micah clears his throat. “I have carnival plans tonight, so I need to get everything finished.”

Carnival plans?

I smile. “You have fun with that.”

“Ha ha, thanks. See ya when I see ya.” With that, he hangs up the phone, and I’m left shaking my head.

Micah isn’t college-aged by any means, but his youthful spirit never lets him down, and I hope whoever the woman is in his life, she brings that out of him more.

Sighing, I push myself back from the kitchen table. I need to get going in order to be on time myself.

I carry my coffee cup to the sink, taking the time to wash it and set it on the rack. The big house seems empty, but that’s only because Connor isn’t here.

And imagine if he’s.

My heart quakes at the thought of him never being here, of him living overseas, and though I have many complaints from before, ever since Greg told me to keep track of any mishaps with Maddie, there hasn’t been anything to note. Yet.

I sigh as I gather my things and head for the garage, but the chime of the front door catches me off guard.

Who the hell would be showing up at the house thirty minutes before I have to go to work?

But as I round the corner to the entry way, the door is already open, and there’s Connor.

“What are you doing here? School started twenty minutes ago,” I look past him. Maddie’s SUV is already ripping out of the driveway, the tires squealing as she makes a hard turn onto the neighborhood street.

You have to be fucking kidding me.

“We ran late... Well,Momran late,” Connor grumbles, and the dark circles under his eyes makes me question if there’s more to the story. “She said she didn’t have time to take me to school.”

I tense my jaw, tempted to spout out how I really feel. Instead, however, I take a deep breath. “Let’s go, then.”

I lock the door behind him and lead the way to the garage. I can already feel the weight of something on my son’s shoulders,and I’m not about to make it worse. It’s not his fault he’s late to school, I know that much. He’s a responsible kid, who’s always up on time.

But I can’t ignore just how fatigued he looks.

“So, what did you do last night?” I open the front passenger door for him.
