Page 122 of Heir of Corruption

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“I won’t be long. I am just going to fetch her.”


In my car, I speed through the city street toward the hotel and Seraphina. It is already past one in the morning, and I feel terrible for having left her for such a long time without calling her. She will be anxious. I got so caught up in the plans and having to deal with the teams that I lost track of everything else.

I pull into the underground parking beneath the hotel and climb out of the car. Pressing the elevator button, I wait, feeling ill with worry.

Finally, I reach the top floor of the building and the entrance to the penthouse. The door is locked, which is a good sign, I hope.

I push it open and walk inside, calling her name.

“Seraphina?” I rush through to the bedroom, where I hope to find her sleeping, but the bed is empty, still made, not a thing out of place.

“Seraphina?” I shout louder, with more urgency in my voice.

I run from room to room and find nothing at all.

She promised me she would not leave, and in asking that of her, I made her stay in the most dangerous place of all - right where they could find her. I should have taken her with me. I should have had her by my side.

“Fuck.” I shout angrily.

They have her.

They took her right from the hotel.

I pick up a glass vase and fling it across the room. It shatters against the wall, sending a rain of glittering shards into the air.

“What have I done?” I say with anguish.

I pull my new phone out, dialing Arton.

“They have her.” I snarl into the phone. “Get that family meeting set up right now. And find out exactly who set up the tracking on my old phone.”

“We know who it was.”

“I want them in the warehouse by the time I get back.”

With one last glance around the hotel room, a hopeful gesture of despair, wishing that I had done things differently, I storm out and back toward the parking garage.

While I drive, I am thinking, plotting and planning.

I am the mafia boss now, and that gives me a position of immense power. I have been very diplomatic so far in dealing with those who voice their opposition toward me, but that ends tonight. Tonight, everything changes. It is time for me to establish myself properly. I know the players; I know who is who, and I know that this needs to happen now in order for me to save the woman I love.

When I arrive back at the warehouse, Arton is waiting for me.

“Do you have them?”

“We paid them a late-night visit at their homes. We have the two men responsible for setting up the tracking.”

“Who are they?”

“One is a cousin of ours, and the other married into the family. Both have been working for my father.”

“Have they been talking?”

“Oh yes, they have been very forthcoming with their information. With a little persuasion, of course.”

“Take me to them.”
