Page 14 of Heir of Corruption

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“This one. This is the one. I don’t want to hear another word.”

I pull it onto my body. It hardly matters. The graduation gown will cover it, anyway.

“I can’t wait to start working,” Maddy says, pulling her own dress over her body. “It is going to be amazing to have that independence and not need to rely on my parents anymore. Aren’t you excited about that too? Have you decided yet? Are you going to move in with me?”

“I'm still looking at jobs in New York.”

She sighs.

“Does it have to be New York, Sera?”

“You know I want to go there,” I shrug.

“I also know why. I just want you to move on from all of that. You are so obsessed with revenge that you are missing out on your life. Do you know how many people absolutely adore you? You could have any guy you wanted. You could get married, have a baby, you could be happy.”

“I don’t know if I'llever get married, Maddy.”

“Fine - then you could become the CEO of some major corporation and be a girl boss. What I'm saying is that there is so much more you could do than focus on revenge. Your life could be about so much more. I want more for you.”

“My life is not about revenge. Don’t be silly. "

Maddy falls silent and bites her lip. I can see she wants to argue with me. She knows it as well as I do - that my life is about revenge.

I made that choice so long ago, and I can't let go of it until that little girl inside of me, who witnessed the brutal murder of her mother, finds her strength again. In order to do that - I need to go to New York, and I need to do whatever it takes.

Maddy moves to stand in front of me, cupping my cheeks in her hands.

“Sera, you are so beautiful. You are strong and graceful and smart and funny and kind. In fact, I don’t think you know how strong you are. You are so much better than what those people did all those years ago. I wish you could see it. I wish you would let someone fall in love with you and treat you like you deserve to be treated.”

Her words touch my heart and I swallow hard to fight the emotions that form a lump at the back of my throat.

She drops her hands and smiles gently.

I want that. I want love. I want someone who values me, supports me, loves me with all their heart. I also want to share my love with someone. I'm human, and I know that I'm vulnerable. But my determination is stronger than any of those other needs.

My grandfather has arranged for a driver to take us to graduation and he is waiting downstairs when we step out onto the sidewalk. Maddy excitedly grabs my hand and pulls me toward the car.

The driver is holding the door open for us.

We slide into the back seat and find champagne waiting for us.

“This is so sweet of your grandfather.” She pours us each a glass and says, “To our beautiful, happy futures.”

Graduation is actually a lot more fun than I expected it to be.

As I step onto the stage, the announcer's voice fills the air, listing off my achievements. A surge of pride swells in my chest—I've poured my heart and soul into this. Knowing my grandfather is somewhere in the audience, watching, sends a wave of excitement through me.

"I wish I could be everything they hope for," I murmur to myself, managing a smile for the crowd. For a moment, I let myself bask in the feeling of normalcy, almost convinced I can leave the past behind and start fresh.

But then, my eyes sweep across the sea of faces, landing on the proud parents cheering for their kids. A familiar ache tightens in my chest, pulling me back to reality.

Later, on the university lawn, laughter and chatter fill the air as we snap photos and toss our caps skyward.

Ah gung pulls me into a warm embrace, his voice soft. "I'm so proud of you." Tears prick my eyes, a mix of gratitude and love washing over me. Sharing this moment with him means everything.

Maddy's parents envelop me in a hug just as heartfelt as if I were their own. Maddy and I laugh and celebrate together, wrapped in the joy and camaraderie of the day.

When the graduation is over, Maddy and I head back to her place to change into the dresses she has chosen for us to wear to tonight’s party.
