Page 21 of Heir of Corruption

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“Seraphina, what a beautiful phone voice you have.”

“Who is this?” I recognize his deep voice, but want to play it cool.

“We met the other night at my place. Or did you meet more than one alluring gentleman who has asked for your number?”

I giggle.

“Antonio, I thought it might be you.”

“How are you? Did you enjoy your time at my home?”

“I'm good. I had a lovely time at the party. The host was quite charming.”

“Is that so? I hear he is only charming to very specific people.”

“I count myself lucky then.” I giggle. It's fun talking to him, even if it's only to fulfill my mission.

“What did a beautiful girl like yourself do today? Now that you have finished college, I imagine you have a lot of free time on your hands?”

“Well, I spent some time in a bookshop this morning. Then this afternoon, I had a session at the gym, and now I'm making a stir fry.”

“You are more and more interesting to me as the seconds go by. You cook, you love bookshops and - what do you do at the gym? Yoga?”


He is silent for a moment, and then a deep, genuine laugh vibrates through the phone and sends shivers through my body. I smile at his charm.

“I think that shouldn't have surprised me, given that you seem to be in the habit of surprising me. Kickboxing. Remind me not to upset you.”

I pull the pan off the flame of the stove and flick the stove off. I walk through the living room, still smiling, and slide onto the sofa, pulling my legs up beneath me.

“It's difficult to upset me, so you are in luck.”

“Yes, I saw how calm and collected you were. A woman in control of herself is very attractive.”

“What did you get up to today, Antonio?”

“I had some business to attend to, boring things. I also had a session in the gym at home here. After that, I did a few laps in the pool, and my chef made lamb shanks for dinner.”

“It sounds very luxurious, having someone cooking for you.”

“Mm. It can be; I guess I'm used to it now. It's not always luxurious having so many people running around doing things for you. I do like my space and enjoy being alone.”

“We are alike in that way, then.”

“What else do you enjoy, Seraphina?”

I smile, thinking for a while. What kind of person do I want to portray? What kind of person do I think would lure him in and entice him? So far, just being myself has done the job perfectly fine. I decide to be honest.

“I love to paint. My mother painted. It somehow - connects me to her.”

“Another thing we have in common. I don’t paint, but I love art. What style do you paint?”

“Abstract. It's sort of emotional - provocative.”

“Provocative.” The word purrs from his mouth and I feel my body tingling.

Images of his strong jawline and dark eyes creep into my thoughts. His tall, muscular build and the way he stood so close to me the other night. He is gorgeous. I feel he knows it and has used it to lure many women into his bed.
