Page 33 of Heir of Corruption

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“Some things take time and patience. Like this, the longer it takes, the more exquisite the flavor.”

“Just fuck her and get over her.”

I glare at him. It bothers me he is speaking about her like that. Just one of those girls who I will brush aside once she has served her purpose.

I know it is usually that way with women. I use them for a good time, then push them aside until I feel the need to entertain myself again. I don’t focus my energy on chasing or courting anyone. Even I'm surprised to myself by doing that with Seraphina.

Regardless of the circumstances. I will be the one to decide. Not him.

“What is your problem, Kalo?”

“That girl is up to something. I don’t like her.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. What the hell could she be up to?” I shake my head. Perhaps he is jealous that he didn't catch her attention before I did.

“I know her family. Just watch your back,” he grumbles, looking bitter.

“Watch my back? Since when do I have to worry about things like that? Her grandfather doesn't scare me.”

“Antonio, I have been your friend forever. Can’t you just take my advice sometimes with no need to overrule it? Stop being arrogant. You have been different since you met her.”

“And people can’t change?”

His eyes drift across my face, trying to read my expression. He is pushing my buttons, but he is still my friend. He has a certain leniency with his words, but he knows I have my limits, even for him.

He shakes his head, and I can see him refocusing his thoughts. “I'm glad you got home ok the other night, the night of your father’s funeral.”

“Yeah, thanks for pulling me out of that dingy bar. I was just letting off steam.”

“No problem, man. Any news about New York? "

“Not yet. I may go there soon. Just to see.”

“Watch your back there. It’s not a safe place.”



Istare excitedly atthe email open on my laptop. The buzz of the coffee shop fades away as I read it again, lost in the wave of ideas that are flooding my mind. I received a job offer as an intern from a company in the city. The pay is horrible, and New York is expensive, but they offered to pay for my flights to get there. The rest I will sort out on my own. I grin. Things are coming together so nicely for me.

The waitress stands alongside my table and stares down at me with a smile on her face. I look up at her and realize she must ask me something while I was readying the email.

“Sorry?“I say.

“Need anything else? refills? ”

“Oh, no, thank you so much. Just the check, please.”

I can’t be wasting my money on restaurant lunches anymore. I need to save it for New York. I will make something to eat at home.

I close my laptop and start packing.While I'mwaiting for my bill, my phone rings. It's ah gung.

“Hello,” I say happily into the phone.

“Seraphina, you sound full of life this afternoon. How are things going?”

“I applied for a job in New York. They replied today with an offer.”
