Page 4 of Heir of Corruption

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I have lived and learned many things about how this life works. And life has been good for me. I live in a mansion. I have more money than I could know what to do with and I spend my time, mostly alone, doing as I wish.

I prefer solitude over crowds. I'm well-liked by those I meet; I know I have a way with people, yet I hold them all at arm’s length, never letting them get too close.

All except Kalo. I met him one day, a young child, while playing in the park. It was just an ordinary day and an ordinary park. I was playing games with a group of boys, and a fight broke out. They were calling me names, pointing out that I differed from them. That was the first time I got punched in the face. I was losing the fight until Kalo stepped in to fight by my side. From that young age, Kalo just decided that we would be friends and never gave me the chance to say no.

Kalo is my brother. Not by blood, but by honor. I might not have blood ties here in Hong Kong, but those whom I call family or friends are deeply important to me. I'll do anything to protect them, and I have.

I run my branch of the family business but keep it under the radar. Despite having power, I believe that strength is better showed through subtle maneuvers and strategic choices.

Much like a game of chess. You never want your enemy to know what your next move will be. As long as you know who is on the board and what your goal is, you can work out anything steps ahead of the average player. Those who need to know who I'm, do. And those that cross me find out quickly that I'm not a man to mess with. After all, I’m my father’s son. His blood runs through me.

Kalo finishes eating and leans back in his chair. I stand up. “Alright, let’s get going.”

“I’ll have the driver bring the car around.”

I meet them out front and climb into the back of the car, drive toward the docks.

I step out onto the gravel and feel it crunch beneath my shoes as I walk toward the office. A man waves at me from the other side, closer to the containers, so I turn toward him. He is the one I want to speak with.

“Mr. Aoi, your shipment came in a day early. It was just unloaded now; we can head straight over there.”

“Thank you, Yuki.” I follow him through a maze of stacked containers until we stop at the large metal box with my company logo printed on the outside. Aoi Armor. I supply armoredvehicles, clothing and equipment to military and defense forces. Of course, there are other aspects to my business that are not public record.

He takes a set of keys out of his pocket and slides them into the lock, pulling the chain free from between the handles.

They open a second lock with a PIN code, and finally, the doors swing open.

I step inside.

SUVs fill the container from wall to wall. They are all identical. Pitch black, tinted windows, four by four, bulletproof and menacing. The latest and best technology equips all the SUVs. Safety, luxury and beauty.

“How many?” I ask, eyeing the cars.


“Excellent. Have them unloaded and delivered by tonight. You have the addresses?”

“Yes, sir.”

I reach into the first car and remove the key from a pocket in the door. I turn and toss it to Kalo. “This one is yours.” He looks at the key in his hand with surprise.

“You bought me a car?”

“Not just any car.”

“Thanks man.” he grins.

“Thank you, Boss. Kalo.”

“Yes, Sir!”

I walk back toward where the driver is waiting. Kalo can drive himself home.



Igive ah gunga cup of tea and sit down on a pillow at the low table alongside him. “I'm so proud of you, Sera.” His wrinkled face is shining with a smile spread across his lips.
