Page 50 of Heir of Corruption

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The questions stun him for a moment.

He stands up and pacing, tapping his hand against his chin.

“Move there? To do what?”

“Run things with me.”

I lean back in my office chair and fold my arms across my chest, eyeing him.

“I won’t be welcome. It'll be dangerous.”

“It might be, but when I'm in charge, I'll change a few things.”

"You can't expect to just arrive and start changing everything on a whim. Being there, and potentially being offered a position, will anger many influential figures."

I huff. “They will learn their place. Besides, this is just a projection. I want to know if you would consider it.”

Kalo stops pacing and stares at me. “What about your businesses here? I could stay and run these.”

“These business run themselves. I'll leave Aloma in charge. He has been with us since we started. I can also fly between New York and Hong Kong if needed.”

Kalo shrugs. “Yeah. I mean. I like my life here, but yes, I would move if you need me to.”

“That is all I wanted to know for now. We can just see how things play out and decide as we go along. While I'm away now, though, you are in charge here.”

“Noted. Can we run through those new clients?”

“Yes, sure, pull up a chair.”

Kalo sits down, tossing a file onto the desk. “Are you still seeing that girl?”

“I'm still seeing Seraphina. Why?”

“She hasn’t - uh - said anything?”

I lock my eyes on his. “About?”

“Nothing in particular. I mean, maybe about New York? Anything.”

I know him too well. I know he is keeping something from me. “Kalo, what are you not telling me?” My voice is low with a threat. He knows I hate secrets. Knowledge is power.

“Look, man, I’m sorry. I messaged her.”

“What the fuck did you message her for?” I slam my fist onto the desk.

“Jeez, I just wanted her to know not to mess with you. I don’t like her. I don’t trust her. She needed to know someone was watching your back and someone has their eye on her.” He stumbles over his words.

“Did you threaten Seraphina?” I'm furious.

“Not. Sort of. Come on, man. Honestly, she handled herself well. I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you would react like this.”

“Of course, I would fucking react like this. She is with me, which means she is under my protection. You will treat her with respect.”

He nods, tight-lipped.

“Now, tell me about these clients.”

I shove the anger away. Kalo has good intentions, even if his actions sometimes suggest otherwise.
