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“Hey,” I ask. “Is Robin around? I forgot to leave her tip.”

“She left for the night,” he says, to my disappointment.

“Give her this, will you?” I respond, disheartened.

And then, I force myself to bid this chapter goodbye. It was wishful thinking, anyway, to think that she’d stick around and wait for me to find her.

Chapter 6 - Robin

The next morning, I lay in bed, traces of the mystery man’s touch still lingering on my skin. I can still feel how his fingers felt every curve, how his lips claimed mine with a hunger that had my head spinning. The memories send shivers down my spine, and I bite my lip as I replay each moment. It was reckless, maybe even a little crazy. Okay, maybe totally crazy.

But for the first time in forever, I felt alive, lost in that whirlwind of pleasure.

Of all the ways I thought my first time would be, that wasn’t it. Yet, I don’t harbor an ounce of regret in my bones.

In fact, I almost revel in the experience.

I wonder if I’ll ever get to see him again.


That night, the neon lights of the club pulse like the fiber of life itself as I step in through the back door. It’s my second night here, and I hope to get a few more clients. I now only have five days to pay off my debt, and last night, the manager paid me four hundred.

I survey the scene before me with clammy hands. What if he's here again, that mystery man with the broad shoulders to drown in? My stomach flips at the thought, at once eager and terrified.

"Robin," my new boss calls out, his voice slicing through the thumping bass. He waves an envelope at me, thick and heavy-looking. "You got a tip."

A tip? I frown, walking over, my mind racing with possibilities. Well, there’s actually just one possibility, and I don’t need to be told what it is.

I’ve only had one client. The tip has to be from him.

But nothing prepares me for what's inside. Ten grand stares back at me, each bill crisp and new. It's more money than I've ever seen in one go, more than I've ever dreamed of.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I gasp out, gripping the counter to keep steady.

"Your friend from last night," he smirks, tossing his head toward the VIP rooms where it all happened. "He was very... appreciative."

My hands shake as I clutch the envelope. This isn't just money; it's freedom. It means no more dodging my uncle's harsh words or counting pennies to feed Adam. I can pay off my mother’s debt and still have some left over. It's a lifeline thrown in the dark waters I've been drowning in.

"Tell him I said thanks," I whisper, the words barely audible over the roar of music and chatter. And somewhere deep inside, amidst the relief and shock, I wonder about the man who changed my whole life in a single night.

“Change and get started,” my boss says, turning on his heels and pulling me out of my thoughts.

The envelope feels heavy in my hand. I look around the club at the girls servicing the clients and dancing. I don’t judge them, but my work here is done.

"Tony," I call out, my voice steady despite the thudding bass, "I need to talk to you."

My boss turns around, his eyes scanning me like he's trying to read the end of a story before it's told.

"I'm done," I say before he can speak, before I can scare myself back into the shadows. "I’m so sorry, but I… I quit."

There, it’s out. I watch Tony's expression shift from surprise to understanding, maybe even respect. He leans back against the wall, arms crossed.

"Something tells me this ain't just a rash decision," he says, appraising me.

"Let's just say I've had a stroke of luck." I keep it vague, but inside, I'm dancing. I’m free.

"Alright then, Robin. You’ve only been here one night, but I’ve been here long enough to know I ought to be happy for a girl who finds a way to get out while she can. You see, I’ve seen…” his voice cracks a little, as he gives me a fatherly smile. “I’ve seen lots of girls lose themselves here. I got a kid your age, you know? I wouldn’t want this life for her. Good luck out there," he says, with a small smile that resembles pride.
