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It’s clear I have to take matters into my own hands. I pick up my phone and call Russo, telling him I need to see him now, or else he might someday look back and regret not meeting me.

I sound so confident that I can almost hear his self-doubt.

“Oh well,” he says at last. “Since you sound so damn sure I’ll regret it. Meet me in my office in half an hour. I swear, Boris, if you waste my time...”

He ends the call without finishing his own sentence. What a man.


The city lights cast a dim glow on the rain-slicked streets as I pull up to Russo's office building. This is my last chance toset things right with him. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead.

"Mr. Zolotov, nice of you to finally show up," Russo sneers as he opens the door to his office. The room is dark and stuffy, just like the man himself.

"Mr. Russo, I don't want any trouble between us. That's why I'm here," I say firmly, meeting his gaze without flinching. "I'm asking you to give me one last chance to prove myself."

He shows me to a seat and takes his own. He leans back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the polished surface of his desk. "And why should I do that? You've already let me down once."

"Because I won't rest until I make this right," I reply, my voice unwavering. "I'm determined to achieve my goals, and I'll go to any lengths necessary to make our vision come true."

Russo raises an eyebrow, intrigued by my resolve. "Any lengths?" he asks, sounding almost impressed.

"Absolutely," I confirm, staring him down. "My family's honor is at stake, and I won't let anything stand in our way."

The room falls silent for a moment as we lock eyes, each measuring the other's conviction. “Well, your new proposal is very good, I will admit. But what lengths would you go to?”

I lean forward in my chair, my fists clenched together. “As I said, Mr. Russo. I would do anything.”


“Within the boundaries of personal moral conduct and the law, as it stands,” I retort. “But yes, anything.”

Finally, Russo nods, a glimmer of respect shining in his eyes.

"Boris," Russo says, his voice low and measured, "I see the fire in your eyes and your determination to succeed. I respectthat. So, I'm going to propose a solution—a way for both our families to benefit."

He pauses, gauging my reaction as I try to suppress my rising curiosity. "Go on," I prompt cautiously.

"Marriage," he states simply, leaning back in his leather chair. "You marry my daughter, Genevieve, and we become allies instead of adversaries. Her connections will strengthen our ventures, and your dedication will drive us forward. It's a win-win situation."

My heart thunders in my chest as I process his words. Marriage? To a woman I've never met? My heart lurches in the opposite direction, toward a woman I’ve never seen. Robin.

Why does this proposal feel like I’m betraying Robin?

“Boris?” Russo checks in when I don’t respond.

“Your daughter?” I inquire, hoping this is just a nightmare.

“She’s 24. Beautiful, young. She’ll provide you with good children. She knows how to manage a house, and she can help you with paperwork for the business. With her, you get me and my connections. If you want my investment, I suggest you consider what I’m saying very carefully. If you say no, I will walk out and make sure everyone discovers how you choose to run your office.”

The idea is preposterous, but the gravity of the situation isn't lost on me. Such an alliance could secure not only my future but that of my family as well. Even with all the other investors on board, I know that Russo would be a game-changer. He’s got the strongest network of all. Also, the most important.

He’s even got connections in the government. Without him, we might never get the licenses we need to operate a casino in Philadelphia.

But… Robin. Even though every rational fiber in my brain is telling me that arranged marriages are the norm within the Bratva and that I should just say yes, there’s also the idealist within me who believes in marrying for love.

There’s also another tiny sliver of hope. What if I see Robin again? Find her somewhere? Bump into her on the street?

However, I can’t waste my one shot at securing my family’s legacy on a whim based on a simple ‘what if’.
