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"I need time to think about this," I tell Russo, struggling to maintain my composure.

"Of course," he replies, his gaze unwavering. "But don't take too long, Boris. Opportunities like this aren't offered every day."

"Understood," I say curtly, excusing myself from his presence. My mind races as I leave the building, each step toward my car feeling heavier than the last.

"Damn it," I mutter, slamming my fist against the steering wheel. This decision isn't one I can make alone—I need the guidance of those who know me best, my brothers Damien and Lev.

As soon as I reach home, I call a family meeting. Damien arrives first, his sharp eyes taking in my agitated state. "What's going on, Boris?" he asks, concern lacing his voice.

"Russo made me an offer," I begin, recounting the details of our meeting. Damien listens intently, nodding occasionally as I explain the proposed marriage deal.

Before Damien can respond, Lev bursts into the room, his usual carefree grin plastered across his face. "What's all the fuss about?"

"Sit down, Lev," I command, my patience already wearing thin. "I need your advice, both of you."

Lev takes a seat, and I go over the details once more. The minute I’m done telling the story, Lev jumps to his feet and bangs his fist on the table. "You can't be serious about this marriage deal, Boris!"

"Lev, hold your judgment," I snap back, my patience disappearing even faster.

"Have you truly gone insane, brother?" Lev shouts. "This is madness! You barely know this woman, and you're considering marrying her just to appease Russo?"

"Look," Damien finally says, his tone measured, "This could be a good thing, Lev. A marriage alliance with the Russo family would solidify our position and guarantee our future. It might be unconventional, but it's worth considering."

I nod, appreciating his insight. But as I glance at Lev, I can tell he's not as convinced. His brow is furrowed, and his lips are pressed into a tight line.

"Talk to me, Lev," I urge, desperate for his perspective.

"This whole thing just seems... wrong," he admits, shaking his head. "You don't even know this woman, Boris. How can you commit to spending the rest of your life with her?"

"Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the good of the family," Damien interjects, his expression stern.

"I understand that," Lev retorts, his frustration evident. "But there has to be another way—one that doesn't involve forcing Boris into a loveless marriage."

My thoughts swirl, and I am torn between the loyalty I owe my family and the unknown future that lies before me.

The weight of my decision presses down on me like a thousand-pound anchor, the room suddenly feeling smaller and darker. My thoughts race as I pace back and forth, weighing the pros and cons of marrying Russo's daughter.

Damien and Lev sit by and watch.

"Family comes first," I remind myself, rubbing my temples to ease the tension swelling in my head. But what about her? What about me?

Before I can clear my thoughts, my phone rings. It's Ivan, his voice laced with panic.

"Boris, we've got a problem. The Abatos intercepted one of our gun shipments. They stole everything! "

My blood runs cold, the Russo situation momentarily forgotten as anger boils within me. "How the hell did this happen?" I demand, gripping the phone tightly as rage fuels me to take revenge against our enemies.

"Someone tipped them off, must have," Ivan replies, his voice shaking. "Look, I need you to deal with this. I’m sending you the coordinates our spies have sent. The shipment might be located there.”

"I'll handle it," I swear.

Chapter 8 - Robin

I’m in the kitchen sipping my morning coffee, having just finished preparing everyone’s breakfast and packing Adam’s lunch.

I sit on the edge of the countertop and watch Adam. He’s flipping through a book.

“Eat,” I tell him. “Or you’re going to be late for school.”
