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"Please," she whimpers, tears streaming down her face as she lifts her gaze to meet mine once more. "I'm just trying to survive, Boris. I don't want anything to do with this world."

As I stare into her tear-filled eyes, the weight of her words sinks in. A part of me wants to believe in Robin's innocence, but my family comes first.

I clench my fists, the conflict raging in my chest threatening to consume me. I can't ignore the fact that Robin's fear feels genuine, but letting her go could put everything at risk. My family, our empire—it all hangs in the balance.

"Damn it," I mutter under my breath as I pace the room, trying to make sense of the chaos in my mind. How could one girl, an innocent bystander, manage to throw my entire world off its axis?

"Please let me go," Robin pleads softly, desperation lacing her voice. "I promise I won't say anything to anyone."

I pause, turning to look at her again. She stands there, her arms wrapped protectively around herself as she trembles. I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt for putting her through this ordeal. But is it worth the risk? Can I truly afford to trust her? My instincts tell me she's innocent, but they've been wrong before.

“The delivery,” I inquire. “Who was it for?”

She pauses. “It was a loved one.”

“A loved one? Who?”

“I can’t tell you that,” she says defiantly. “I’m scared you’ll hurt them.”

"This person," I start, carefully measuring my words. "Do they have connections to the Abatos family?"

"Ab-Abatos?" she stammers, her confusion deepening. "Why do you keep saying that name? I-I don't think so. They’rejust a small-time businessman. They never mentioned anything about them."

"Small-time" doesn't necessarily mean harmless, but her ignorance seems too genuine to be an act. The weight of my decision bears down on me like a thousand-pound anchor.

"Please," she whispers, breaking through my thoughts with the quiet intensity of her plea. "I just want to go home."

The pain in her voice pierces through my defenses, and at that moment, I am confident she’s not lying.

Maybe this was nothing but a twist of fate.

"Alright," I relent, my voice barely audible. "I believe you."

Her eyes widen in disbelief, and for a moment, she says nothing. Then, as if the weight of the world has been lifted from her shoulders, she lets out a shaky breath. "Thank you... thank you so much."

"Listen," I say, grasping her shoulder gently. "You need to be careful. The Abatos family is dangerous, and you've stumbled into something much bigger than you realize."

A flicker of fear passes through her eyes, but she nods determinedly. "I understand. Can… can I go now?"

I take a deep breath, struggling to find the right words to explain my concerns without revealing too much. I can't let her go, not yet. The danger is still too real, and she's become an unwilling participant in this deadly game between families.

"Robin," I begin, my voice firm but gentle. "You don't understand the gravity of the situation you've found yourself in. The Abatos family is ruthless, and if they believe you know anything about their business—whether it's true or not—they'll come after you. Especially once they realize I took you. They’ll fear you overheard something and that you will reveal their secrets to me."

Her eyes widen, fear gripping her as she clings to my every word. But despite her fear, her expression reveals a fiery determination that refuses to be extinguished. "But I don't know anything! Can't you just explain that to them? Tell them I was in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

"Unfortunately, it's not that simple." My hands ball into fists as frustration simmers beneath the surface. "They won't care if you're innocent. They'll see you as a potential threat, as someone who could expose their secrets. And once they have you in their sights, there's no escape."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" The desperation in her voice cuts me like a knife. "Just stay here, locked away from the world, until it's somehow safe for me to leave?"

My heart aches for her, but I must do what's best for both our families. "For now, yes. I'll do everything in my power to protect you, Robin. But you have to trust me on this. You’re not going anywhere. You have to stay here, under my protection.”

Chapter 10 - Robin

Panic overwhelms me. My hands are clammy, and my knees begin to shake. I feel a surge of pain move slowly through my chest toward my heart. I desperately search the room for any possible avenue of escape, but the walls seem to close in on me.

I can feel Boris's gaze lingering on me. His dark blue eyes almost look black.

"Please, Boris," I beg, my voice trembling with fear, "Let me go. I don't have anything to do with the rival family. I just want to protect my loved ones." My desperation is evident, and I am seconds away from falling to my knees to beg. I swallow hard, trying to keep my composure.
