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A hush falls over the small church as the priest's words hang in the air. Boris and I exchange a nervous glance, both unsure of what comes next. The weight of this moment feels heavy on my shoulders, like a cloak of uncertainty draped over me.

Boris eventually takes my hands in his, his touch surprisingly gentle. The warmth of his palms against mine sends a jolt through me, grounding me in this surreal moment. I can feel the eyes of his family on us, their gazes expectant.

Drawing me closer, Boris leans down slowly, his blue eyes fixed on mine as if seeking permission. In that brief second before our lips meet, I see a myriad of emotions swirling in his gaze—determination, protectiveness, and perhaps even a hint of vulnerability that surprises me.

And then our lips touch—soft and hesitant at first. A rush of unexpected warmth floods through me at the intimate gesture, momentarily forgetting the weight of our forced arrangement and getting lost in the tenderness of the moment.

A spark ignites deep within me, catching me off guard. I feel Boris press his lips against mine, a little hungrier for more. I taste his lips, the world around us fading away, and I let out the tiniest sigh.

And then, Boris pulls away. My heart is hammering in my chest, and I stand there, feeling and probably looking flushed.

The room breaks into thunderous applause.


It's official—we're married now. As we turn to face the small gathering of Boris’s family members, my heart races with anxiety. Although I’ve seen photos scattered around the house, faces coming in and going out of Boris’s office and names dropped in mid-conversation here and there, this is officially the first time I’ll be having an interaction of some significance with them.

I feel nervous, sick to my stomach, at the thought of meeting them. What if they don’t like me? What if they’re dangerous? What am I getting myself into? But there's no turning back now.

"Congratulations!" a pretty girl with blue-green eyes and dark brown hair comes running up to us. She pulls me into a big hug, and from the photos back at Boris’s home, I recognize her as Anoushka, his sister. “Oh my god,” she gushes. “You two are going to make the cutest baby!”

Boris groans, and I burst into a fit of giggles. Her warmth and enthusiasm are contagious.

“How about welcoming her to the family first?” A tall man walks up to us and nudges Anoushka on her shoulder with his own. I remember seeing him around the office once or twice, but never caught his name. He has long hair tied in a ponytail. I notice he has a scar right above his lip and wonder if it happened during Bratva business.

Bratva. A crime unit I am now a part of. This realization dawns on me and sends a strange shiver down my spine.

"Oh, Lev,” Anoushka tries to ruffle Lev’s hair, but he’s far too tall and stops her halfway. So that’s Lev. Boris’s younger brother.

Lev coughs and nods in my direction. “Oh my god,” Anoushka claps her hands. “Welcome to the family, Robin!" She leans in and hugs me again.

"Thank you," I reply, feeling slightly more at ease. "It's nice to meet you."

"Come, let me introduce you to everyone," she says, linking her arm through mine and leading me toward a group of people chatting near the reception area. As we approach them, I brace myself for the uncertainty that lies ahead.

"Robin, this is our cousin, Vanya," Anoushka introduces me, gesturing to a beautiful woman drenched in elaborate silver jewelry.

"Nice to meet you, Robin," Vanya greets me warmly, shaking my hand. "Welcome to the family. How is your pregnancy coming along?"

"Thank you," I respond, still trying to process the fact that these are my new in-laws. “It’s easy, so far.”

“Don’t you worry,” Vanya gently touches my arm. “I’ve had kids, too. If you need anything at all, I’m a stone’s throw away. It will be up and down, and you’ll be going through lots of changes, emotionally and physically. Sometimes, a girl just needs to vent.”

I squeeze her hand gently, truly touched. “Thank you, Vanya. I’ll be in touch.”

She winks.

"These are my sisters-in-law, Audrey and Katerina," she continues, pointing to the women beside her. They both greet me with open smiles and friendly hugs, asking me questions about my life and how I met Boris.

"Did you know Mikhail works non-stop?" Katerina asks, shaking her head. "I swear, if it wasn’t for me forcing him to take breaks, he'd never stop."

“Don’t all our Bratva men,” Audrey rolls her eyes. “I swear, sometimes I think these men don’t understand the word retirement.”

"Your husbands sound like very dedicated men," I say, hoping my words sound genuine, because they are.

Yet, at the same time, the thought of Boris being gone for hours and days on violent Bratva business does scare me.

"Hey, don't worry too much about the Bratva stuff," Anoushka whispers in my ear, almost like she can read my mind. "Sure, we're a little unconventional, but we stick by each other, no matter what."
