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Suzannah? Why the hell is she worried about Suzannah, the new secretary?

“Robin,” I say gently. “Suzannah is irrelevant.”

“Really?” she spits out with anger. “If she’s irrelevant, then I simply don't understand why you're spending so much time with her. It seems like every time I turn around, you're with her."

Her jaw clenches, and I can see the frustration brewing behind her eyes. "It's just... I don't understand why you're spending so much time with Suzannah, the new secretary. It seems like every time I turn around, you're with her."

"Ah, I see." It hits me now that Robin is feeling jealous and threatened. In my drive to take the pressure off Robin, I've been working closely with Suzannah, but I never meant for that to cause Robin distress. "I'm sorry if it seems that way, but nothing is going on between us. She's just helping me with some projects I don’t want to trouble you with."

"Really?" Robin arches an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Because it doesn't look like 'just work' when I see her all over you."

"Robin, I promise, it's strictly professional." I place my hand on hers, trying to convey the sincerity of my words. "You and our child are all I think about. You have to believe me."

"Alright," she says hesitantly, the ice in her voice thawing slightly. "I want to trust you, Boris. But it's hard when it feels like you always prioritize work over our family."

"From now on, I'll make sure our family comes first," I promise, squeezing her hand gently. "We’ve got a little Zolotov on the way, remember?"

"Family first," Robin echoes softly. Finally, she looks into my eyes, and it seems like she might just forgive me.

Before I can say anything else, the door to the examination room swings open, and Dr. Patel invites us in. Her warm smile immediately puts me at ease. "Good afternoon, Robin, Boris," she greets us.

"How have you been feeling?" she asks Robin. "Any concerns?"

"The morning sickness has been terrible," Robin says. "And I've been exhausted."

The doctor nods. "Very common symptoms. I can prescribe some medication for the nausea that should help. As for the fatigue, you need to get as much rest as possible.”

She asks more questions while checking Robin's blood pressure and listening to the baby's heartbeat.

Then comes the moment I'd been waiting for.

"Are you ready to see your little one?"

"Of course," I reply, my worries momentarily forgotten as excitement bubbles inside me. Robin nods in agreement, her earlier frustration seemingly pushed aside as we wait for the ultrasound to begin.

Robin lays back on the table and lifts her shirt. The doctor smears gel over the swell of Robin’s belly and then proceeds to roll an instrument across her skin.

"Everything looks perfect." The doctor turns the screen toward us, and we see the fuzzy black-and-white image of our baby. Tiny arms and legs, the curve of a spine, little thumbs and toes.

"Wow," I whisper, awestruck by the sight of our tiny miracle. Robin looks over at the screen, tears glistening in her eyes as she takes in the sight of our child. Our hands find each other, fingers intertwining as we share this deeply emotional moment.

"Your baby is growing very well," Dr. Patel says. "Healthy heartbeat, good size for this stage of pregnancy... Everything looks wonderful."

Tears also spring to my eyes as I grip Robin's hand. Our child, so small but already so loved. At this moment, I know that I would go to Earth’s end and beyond to protect Robin and the baby.

The doctor points out the head, heart, and other parts I can't quite make out. But it doesn't matter. I am lost in the moment, overwhelmed by joy, wonder, and gratitude.

After answering a few more questions, we leave the office with an ultrasound photo and prescriptions. My heart is fit to burst. Our new family, the three of us against the world.


The drive home is quiet, with both of us lost in our own thoughts. I keep glancing over at Robin, still hardly able to believe this is real. I am going to be a father. The woman beside me is carrying my child.

"You're staring again," Robin says with a smile.

"Can you blame me?" I take her hand, brushing my thumb over her knuckles. "You're even more beautiful now, you know that?"

A blush creeps into her cheeks. "You don't have to sweet talk me anymore, Boris. I'm already having your baby, and I’m no longer mad."
