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“He’s right here,” I say, putting her on speaker. “Robin, he’s saying Adam could have run away.”

“Run away?” Robin says. “That doesn’t sound like him at all.”

“He could’ve gotten scared,” Craig says.

“Uncle Craig?” Robin exclaims through the phone. “Uncle Craig, please. Where could he have run off to?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugs.

“Uncle Craig, you know the Abatoses. Please tell me. Do you think they could have Adam?”

“Wait,” I put a stop to this. I look Craig in the eye and ask. “You know the Abatoses?”

Robin’s voice quivers through the phone. “Oh, Boris,” she explains. “With everything that happened, I forgot to mention that it was Uncle Craig who sent me to the gun warehouse where you found me that day to make the delivery.”

Craig's face pales, his eyes widening in fear as everything falls into place. He stutters, trying to find the right words to defend himself, but the truth is crystal clear now. I feel a surge of anger boiling inside me, knowing that he had a hand in all the chaos surrounding Robin and her brother.

"Uncle Craig…?" Robin's voice echoes through the room, filled with realization, and then disbelief and betrayal. "What did you do?"

I bring up my gun and point it right at him. “Tell me now,” I demand. “Or I will kill you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” he spits at me.

“Why? You hold no value to me. If you don’t know where the boy is, I will find him myself. With or without your help. You see, I can kill you right now and get on with my day.”

A momentary silence fills the air, and I see Craig turn angry. His face reddens with rage, and then he speaks.

My gut clenches as the uncle’s words slice through the air, a confession sharp enough to draw blood. "I sold him," he sneers, eyes darting between me and the phone. "To the Abatos, for a personal debt payoff… and a little extra for my troubles raising him and his brat of a sister."

"Please, you can't do this!" Robin's voice breaks through the phone.

But he just laughs, a sound cold as winter ice. "It's done, sweetheart. Your brother is theirs now."

I watch him, fists clenched at my sides, fury simmering just below the surface. “Robin,” I say, loud and clear. “I will find Adam and bring him back.”

“Boris, no, plea—” she tries to say, but I end the call. I will ask her to forgive me later, but for now, my strategy worked. She made him talk, and that is all I needed.

"Listen up," I growl, stepping closer to the uncle. "You're going to take me to him. Now."

The uncle tries to balk, but I grab him by the collar, yanking him to his feet. "Move," I order, and the fear in Craig’s eyes tells me he knows better than to argue.

I lead him down the stairs to the ground floor, where Damien and Sergei keep watch. The two Abatos men still lie unconscious.

They both look at Craig with curiosity.

“Tell us where Adam is,” I snarl in his ear, gun to his head.

Craig motions toward another side door opposite where we stand. “He’s somewhere there, in the container storage.”

Sergei and Damien join me as we move swiftly, keeping to the shadows. The hideout is a labyrinth of corridors and closed doors, each one hiding potential threats.

We head outside and duck behind crates as Abatos men walk by, discussing shipments with the casual indifference of those who've seen too much to care.

Damien leads the way, silent as a ghost, while I keep a firm grip on the uncle's arm, steering him through the dimly lit passages. Sergei keeps watch behind us. His breathing is heavy with fear, the stench of it almost overpowering the musty air around us.

"Left here," he whispers, and we turn down another corridor until we reach a door that looks like all the others—except for the heavy padlock hanging from the latch.

"Open it," I command.
