Page 10 of Worship

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“Surely I would make a far more alluring subject than the landscape you paint,” he says with a smirk. “Wouldn’t you think so?”

My breath hitches. His arrogance is tangible, an affront to the sanctity of my art. Yet, my heart betrays me with an unbidden flutter.

He steps closer, a smile playing on his lips. His appearance is both alarming and magnetic. His very presence commands my attention despite my resistance.

This is getting dangerous. How can I alarm the others?I think as I search behind him for any sign of help.

He shifts to see what I am looking at. When he realizes what I am searching for, his smile grows wider and more dangerous. It's almost as if he’s taunting me with the fact that it’s only the two of us here.

I stumble backward, nearly losing my footing. My mind's a tumult of emotions – fear, indignation, and inexplicable intrigue.

He chuckles playfully. “Careful. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.”

His snickering makes him resemble a predator. He's laughing at his prey before he sinks his teeth in.

His gaze lingers on me, not just observant but possessive. As if he can see beyond the veil, as if he knows me. But I must not, under any circumstance, expose my face to a stranger. I can only show myself to my one and only master, Her Majesty Karona.

But his eyes seem to generate right through the fabric. I notice his hand opening and closing, clenching tightly.

He’s holding himself back. But why? What are his intentions?

Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. I have to remove myself. I’m getting caught in the current of the unknown.

He takes another step towards me. “You being donned in white reminds me of the Ualaire. It makes me wonder if they mistook a flower for a woman.”

My cheeks flare up. The flower of eternity, thought to be the mother of beauty. My body’s responding to the sultriness of his voice. The tension between us crackles, an electric current that charges the air and thickens the space with the promise of the forbidden.

The breath I held in escapes, shaking. He hums, finding my reaction amusing. His eyes narrow on me, not wanting to let me out of his sight.

I can’t look away from him. The poisonous aura laces around my throat and pierces my tongue. His breathing is slow but heavy, already tasting me from beneath my sacred robes.

But there's more to the hunting trap he cast upon me. There's a pull that grips every fiber of my being, pushing me towards him. My back arches, my chest leaning towards him as if our hearts want to connect.

It burns. It hurts.I’m nearly gasping as I grit my teeth.

Yet, there’s a hint of pleasure underneath it. A euphoric feeling. It’s akin to the feeling of having all your senses awakened.

“You’re breathing… quite frantically,” he muses almost in a sigh.

Beads of sweat form on my temples. A wave of all these unknown feelings and sensestakes over my body. It makes my innermost core pulsate with absolute need.

I bite my lip, composing myself. These are mind tricks, dark magic only known to dark elves. He’s making me a victim of his powers.

I gather myself, my voice a whisper of defiance. “You must leave. This place… It is not for the likes of you.”

“Then how unfortunate that someone like me stumbled in here. I was just a little curious.”

I soon realize who he is. The descendants of Ishiraya are easy to pick out of the crowd. They are beings born from the ashes of destruction, costumed in arrogance and avarice.

They are never welcome in the temple. What is he doing here? Her Majesty warned us about the havoc some of their kind tend to bring with them. They mar the temple with just a single step inside.

Just as this one is doing.

But I’m a caged bird, waiting for his fangs to come out. There’s no way out of this for me. Especially since my body keeps furiously reacting to him.

“There’s been rumors throughout the land,” he starts to say. I glance at him, wondering where he’s going with this. “I heard of the famous beauties of the temple of Karona. The beautiful priestesses and handmaidens that the merciful Karona hides in here.”

He smiles wide, nearly manic. His canines peek through, a testament of his beastly nature.
