Page 43 of Worship

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“I know that, and I’m fully prepared for whatever happens. Right now, I just need to get her back, so are you going to help me or not?”



All of the demons are either dead or gone, fleeing like the cowards they are. By now, I thought I’d have Shana back in my arms but as luck would have it, she’s nowhere to be seen. I shouldn’t have counted on this as being that easy.

Worse yet, Eras is here to witness my turmoil, perhaps relishing in all that I’ve told him. I care not, because right now I need him.

“Yes, Carus, we’ll help get Shana and the rest of them back,” he tells me to my relief. “But let’s be clear. We are not doing this for you. We’re doing this because it’s our duty.”

“I understand. Just tell me where you think she’ll be.”

“We know of another location the demons use as a hideout,” he says. A soldier hands him a map which he studies for a moment. “This other lair of theirs is far less active.”

“Makes sense to have the handmaidens there.” I nod. “They must have known someone would try to get them by force, a brilliant diversion, really.”

“Either way, the other lair is bound to be on high alert because of your assault here,” Eras remarks. “We better move quickly. It’s a day’s ride away.”

“Not when you’re with me,” I boast.


“Show me the map,” I say.

I study the highlighted location on the parchment paper and cast a portal to teleport us to its coordinates. Eras’s men look at the portal with uncertainty, shrugging when their captain gives them the all-clear.

“Credit where credit is due. You’re full of surprises, Carus,” Eras says.

We step through, instantly going from one lair to another, finding ourselves close to the main entrance.

“Conduct a surveillance check,” Eras orders.

I perform my own check alongside one of his guards. This lair is larger and with more buildings, all of them a single story. A defensive line circles the perimeter with patrol guards wandering the outskirts.

Their defenses leave a lot to be desired, however, for I spot many gaps that I could potentially slip through. This time, with many men, the fight will be easier. Eager to get Shana back, I turn to Eras, ready to fight.

“We can slip through their defensive lines easily. These fools have left many gaps open.”

“What are you talking about?” he scolds. “We are not here to conduct a surprise attack!”

“I thought you said you were here to help,” I snarl.

“Yes, I did,” he growls. “But you forget who we represent. We are here in an official capacity, to return the handmaidens to safety by diplomatic means.”

“What’s all your weaponry for then?” I hiss.

“In case they attack us. We are not here at your disposal, Carus. You can stay here while we retrieve your girlfriend.”

Shaking my head, I hang back as Eras leads his men to the front gate. Demons ready their weapons as the Fouuer leader calls out to them.

“My name is Eras. We are here to conduct negotiations so that the priestesses of Karona can be returned to us. Let us speak to your leader or we will engage in battle!”

“Well, they’ll make for a good distraction. I better take advantage and infiltrate the lair while they keep the demons occupied.”

I sneak around the fencing and tear down a flimsy section of it, gaining entry into the base. Many of the guards overhead are rushing to the front.

Good. The less of them, the better.
