Page 66 of Worship

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Carus and I both sigh with happiness. Tears stream from my eyes, and I eagerly hold out my arms for my children. He kisses my face, and I see he’s also misty eyed.

The midwife places the babies in my arms before leaving us alone. Carus wraps an arm around my shoulders and gazes at what our bond created.

“They’re dark elves,” he beams.

The pointy ears gave it away since their skin doesn’t have color yet. My babies slowly open their eyes.

“They have your eyes,” I say softly.

He chuckles. “Mine and yours. I hope they’ll have your dimples, too.”

The babies have heterochromia, just like Carus. The only difference is that one baby has a green eye and the other a blue one. But the spare eye is the same color as mine.

Our son extends his little arm and hooks his hand around Carus’s pinky. His face melts into an endearing smile.

“They’re both absolutely beautiful,” he whispers.

I nuzzle my daughter’s face. “They really are.”

“What should we name them?”

“I’m not sure. It feels like nothing will be perfect for them,” I joke. “But, we can wait. We have all the time in the world.”

Carus presses his forehead on mine. “Thank you for giving me the best gift ever.”

“I should be the one thanking you. I’m already in love with them.”

“I feel the same way,” he says. “They are the best and most amazing gift I ever received. Meeting you is the greatest gift of my life.”

I smile up at him. “I love you, Carus.”

With the hand that’s on my shoulder, he lifts up my chin and plants a loving kiss.

“And I love you eternally, my dearest Shana.”

