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I gasp when his palm slaps against my ass, hard. I press my lips together. So he just did that, and I have a feeling that won’t be the last time.

“I told you to watch your mouth.”

I scissor my legs because it’s the only movement I can make, and I want to make this harder for him. “Five-star double standards in this house. Well done.”

I expect that will earn me another smack, but he doesn’t respond. Our pace quickens, though. I can feel the rush of cold air as he walks faster, barking out orders in harsh Russian.

While we move, though, something has me uneasy. I can only guess he’s blindfolding me because he doesn’t want me to see where we are, so I won’t know how to leave. He’s done his research about my history of running.

God, I have to, though. But if he finds out…

Doors close. Footsteps click. Sounds begin to fade, except for his footsteps which quickly become muffled. Carpet, then? Observing while blindfolded is not my strong suit. How big is this place? It feels like we’ve been walking for fifteen minutes, but maybe everything seems to go in slow motion when your heart is beating a million times a minute.

Finally, his steps slow. My body shifts as he adjusts me over his shoulder. There’s the unmistakable sound of a lock clicking open, but no sound of a key, so I’m guessing the lock was digital or something. A door opens. I lay still over his shoulder, hoping that if I behave myself and we have come to the end here, now’s the time I can get off his damn shoulder and take a look around.

“I told you not to run, Harper. And you decided to defy me right out of the gate. You aren’t my wife yet, but you’re in my possession, so it’s time you learn there are consequences for your actions.”

My cheeks feel flushed. My heart’s beating so fast I feel sick. Was that first smack to the ass the prelude to —

I scream when I’m suddenly falling, flailing — my body lands softly on a bed. I reach out, grasping for purchase, when his strong, rough fingers grab my cuffed wrists. Panic sweeps through me like a tidal wave, knocking all sense of reason and logic aside. “What are you—unngh.”Soft fabric glides against my mouth and chin.

“I liked your suggestion of the gag. You’re here in my home and eventually, after I feel you’ve learned your lesson, I’ll let you have some freedom. But after today’s stunt we’ll start nice and slow. Nod if you understand.”

My pulse races so quickly I feel nauseous, but I nod, nonetheless.

“Good. I’ll be back soon. You’re safe and comfortable enough for now. Behave until I get back. I have to make arrangements.”

Arrangements.When did my wedding become a funeral?

The room feels suddenly colder. The door shuts with a finalclickand the number pad outside it beeps.

He’s left me alone in here. Bound like a captive so I don’t run.

How long will he hold me prisoner? If we’re getting married this weekend, there’s no way he’ll leave me bound and gagged while the minister drags me through theI do’s,right? I mean, I need to be able to verbally agree.

But after that... after we’ve said our vows… he’ll consider me his property. He hasn’t even bothered to hide that.

Then what? When there’s no one to stop him from hurting me?



I waketo the sound of a door opening. At first, I’m completely disoriented and panic sweeps through me when I realize I don’t have full control over my body. My wrists are bound, I’m gagged, and I’m wearing a blindfold.

What in the —

“Oh myGod.” Before I can gather myself together, I hear a female voice. I try to settle my nerves and remember what happened.

I’m being married to Aleksandr Romanov — a beautiful, arrogant prick who thinks he’s the boss of me.

My parents gave me away like I was property to be bartered and traded.

My future husband bound and locked me in a room?

What an absolutedick.

“My God is right. I thoughtMikhailwas a jerk when I was in this position.” A second voice sighs. “We still have time to influence the others.”
