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"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you look like hell. Go catch a few hours of sleep in the on-call rooms."

"I should, shouldn’t I? We just had this kid admitted, and he's really scared. I wanted to keep an eye on him."

"You'll be more helpful after catching a few hours of sleep. Hey, have you seen London by any chance?"

"Yeah, she just got out of surgery and went outside to grab a coffee. Do you need her? I could put in a call."

"I'm just looking for Zach," I said and walked to the outside sitting area, because the two lovebirds were joined at the hip. You wanna find one of them? Look for the other.

I found them on a bench, embracing while sharing the same cup of coffee. I always kinda knew he was a big romantic, but it was cute to see confirmation.

"Look at you two, already on honeymoon."

"At least London knows we're on our honeymoon, but can you say the same thing about your wife?" Ford fired back and knocked the air out of my lungs.

His girl slapped his thigh to make him shut the fuck up.

"Don't listen to him, James. Hey, I was thinking, umm, Paris will be my maid of honor, but should I ask Rita too? I wasn't planning to have bride's maids, but I can ask Jess and Wendy too. You know, to make Rita feel included."

I loved her. In that moment - more than usual - I loved her. I was so struck by her gesture, I pulled her from Zach's arms into a hug to show my gratitude.

"Are you two going to go buy tampons together from now on?” my friend grumbled, and I knew that he was just pissed he saw some other arms around London. Ford was a possessive bitch.

"Shut up, Zach. James, are you alright?"

"Mhm, I'm really grateful for this. I know you can't be very comfortable to be entangled in this lie. Thanks for having my back."

"Of course, we are, and don't let him fool you. After the engagement party and the two bottles of tequila Zach and Rita polished together, he told me she's the best woman he's ever seen. Me included."

"Just from a drinking point of view, babe. You get pissed after three glasses of wine."

He smiled at us like a jerk.

"You think she's awesome?"

"I mean, yeah, she is. Honestly, considering your track record and poor taste, you couldn't have found a better one. You're lucky she fucking fell into your arms." That, I was; no one could deny it. "No woman that cool would pick you consciously."



"Both of you, stop! This is not third grade."

I put my hands up to show surrender before London decided to grab us both by the ears.

"To answer your question, no, you don't need to change your plans for Rita. To be honest, sitting in front of everyone in a fluffy dress isn't her thing; plus, this is Paris's moment."

London's cousin was a star on her own, and she knew it. She liked to shine and have all the light on her, and it was hard not to be magnetized by such a people person. She packed a seductive energy that could gather crowds at her feet, which was actually happening. I'd been to one of her fashion shows with London and Zach, back when Avery was around - that was her type of event - and I'd seen men and women worshiping her.

"Oh, she'll have a moment alright. Yesterday we received a delivery for six dresses, every one labeled wedding."

"You and Ford still don't live together?"

He growled and crossed his arms like a moody toddler, which he pretty much was.

"He wanted to, but between work and planning a wedding in a month, there was no time to pack and move my things. We'll do it after the ceremony."

"You're not going on a honeymoon?"
