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She wiped her hands on her jeans as she watched him work.

“Want to hear a funny story about Aby?”

Camilla leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “Sure, go ahead.”

“I was helping her with her math homework the other day, and there was a particularly difficult problem that she was struggling with, so after I explained it to her, and I was checking to make sure she didn’t miss anything, she suddenly says ‘Daddy if I had Facebook I know what I’d write’, so when I ask her what it was, she says ‘I’d write #I’msoconfused.”

Camilla burst out laughing. “No way. She actually said that.”

Jayden paused, took a sip of his beer and turned around to face Camilla with a grin. “I kid you not. She actually said that. When I expressed surprise over the fact that she knew what a hashtag was, she kind of gave me this pointed look and said. ‘Daddy of course I know what a hashtag is’ then she flounced away to continue playing as if she hadn’t just said that.”

Camilla shook her head. “Kids these days. This generation is way more aware of the world then we were, far more into technology too, but then again, it does play a larger role in their day to day life.”

Jayden leaned against the counter, mirroring Camilla’s pose. “That’s so true. When I was her age, I was trying to figure out how much candy I could jam into my mouth, and I almost always ended up jamming stuff in my nose.”

Camilla made a face. “You must’ve been quite the handful as a child.”

Jayden gave her a wry grin. “I guess you could say that, but I was a cute trouble maker. I never stayed in trouble for long, I knew exactly how to get out of it.”

“I bet you did,” Camilla said.

“Can I pour you a glass of wine?” Jayden asked.

Camilla nodded. “I’d like that, thanks.”

Jayden moved towards the fridge and opened the door. He took out a bottle of sweet red wine and reached up to take out a champagne glass from the cupboard. As he was reaching up, his shirt hiked up an inch to reveal a patch of tan skin.

Camilla found herself staring at it wondering how it would feel to run her tongue over it. She blushed as she turned her gaze away and stared at the salad bowl instead.

“There you go.”

She gratefully accepted the glass and took a sip allowing the warm liquid to slide down her throat. “Can I help with the salad?”

“Sure,” Jayden responded as he took another sip of his beer.

She stood in front of the salad bowl and looked at him over her shoulder. “Where do you want me?”

Jayden’s eyes darkened as he put down his beer bottle and moved, so he was standing right behind her, his arms came up around her, and he leaned in to whisper. “In every room in this house and mine, and in every position possible.”

She let his hot breath tickle her ear, and goosebumps rose up and down her flesh as she felt his body press up against hers. “For now though, just help me cut the cheese into tiny slices, okay?”

Camilla took a breath before answering. “Okay.”

Jayden didn’t move an inch while Camilla was cutting the cheese. She could feel every rise and fall of his chest, she could feel his muscles pressed up against her back, but most of all, she could feel his breath as his head lay on her shoulder, and the sound of his quiet breathing filled her senses.

“Jay?” she whispered as she diced up the last of the cheese.

“Hmm,” he murmured.

“Is this some technique of yours to teach me how to cook?”


“Trying to distract me, so I’ll try even harder to focus?”

She felt his quiet chuckle. “That’s actually not a bad plan, but sadly, no, that isn’t what I’m trying to do.”

“Then what are you trying to do?” She tried to turn around to look at him, but she could only move her head an inch to the side.
