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“Oh, it could, eh? Well, I shall have to change that then,” he gave her a grin that had her heart skipping a beat.

Jenny wasn’t the type to indulge in one night stands, she just couldn’t imagine being intimate with someone like that and then have them disappear the next day, but for the first time in her life, she found herself contemplating whether or not she could break that rule.

Mark seemed nice enough, and he was definitely making her libido scream, so maybe she could give in just for one night.

What could it hurt?

“What about you? What do you do?”

“I play sports.”

“Like for the NBA?”

Mark chuckled. “Not quite yet, but hopefully it’s my lucky year, for now I just work at a gym coaching until I get my big break.”

“Have you always been a fan of basketball?”

“Pretty much since I first picked it up as a kid. I never really found anything that inspired me to want to be the best until I picked up a basketball and made my first basket.”

“What did it feel like?” Jenny leaned forward suddenly wanting to hear more. She was absolutely captivated by the far off dreamy look in his eyes.

“It felt like everything zoomed in on that one moment when the ball went flying out of my hands and landed perfectly in the middle. I had never felt anything like that, that rush, that stillness.”

Jenny smiled softly. “You sound like you really love it.”

Mark’s eyes snapped to hers. “I do. What about you?”

Jenny ducked her head, feeling shy all of a sudden as she ran her thumb over the rim of her glass. “Well, I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the world, and the hospital I work at might not be big in the grand scale of things, but at least in some corner of the world, I’m helping people, making a difference, you know?”

“That’s not cheesy at all,” he said quietly as an absent minded smile played on the corner of his lips.

Before she knew what she was doing, Jenny had leaned over and placed a slight kiss on the corner of his mouth. She pulled back wondering where she had gotten the courage from.

Mark eyed her speculatively before smiling, a beautiful heart-stopping smile. “What was that for?”

“I just wanted to,” she offered.

Mark leaned forward and paused mere centimeters from her lips. His eyes gazed into hers as if asking her a question. She nodded slightly before he pressed his lips to hers. Jenny’s eyelids fluttered closed, and she found herself sighing and leaning into the kiss.

Dimly, she was aware of the fact that he had picked her up and placed her on his hip, but she didn’t mind. Usually she hated PDA, but there was something about the way he touched her and kissed her that made all rational thought fly right out the window.

Mark kept his mouth lightly on hers, barely brushing her lips. Jenny made an impatient noise in the back of her throat before she wrapped her arms around his neck and gently nibbled on his lip.

She could feel him smile into the kiss, so she bit his bottom lip gently causing his mouth to part in surprise. He moaned as his tongue collided with hers, and they began a battle for dominance.

They pulled back a short while later aware that they were still in a public place. He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed deeply.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he asked as he placed his arm on the small of her back.

This was it, her chance to back out if she wanted to, but much to her surprise Jenny found herself nodding as she hopped off his hip and tossed some money onto the counter. Mark did the same as he grabbed her hand, and they raced out onto the street like a bunch of giddy, hormonal teenagers.

“My place isn’t too far from here,” she said as he hailed down a cab. Mark nodded as he opened the car door for her. “Shall we?”

Jenny gave him a slow seductive smile before sliding in. She rattled off her address, and the second Mark was in the cab, he yanked her, so she was on top of him, and he began kissing her with renewed urgency, his hands exploring everywhere, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

Jenny began her own tentative exploration surprised to find that he actually trembled at her touch. She pressed herself closer to him, feeling the fire burning within her continue to blaze, and knowing that only he could quench the fire.

They arrived at her address a short while later, and they stumbled out of the cab in a mass of limbs and laughs.
