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Jenny shook her head, trying to clear off the fragments of the memory that had entered into her mind unbidden when she noticed that Mark had stepped away from her and was talking to one of the children.

They were standing in the middle of the children’s ward, and one of the children had cautiously wandered over to where they were standing.

Most celebrities just gave the kids a tight smile and patted their heads absent mindedly. She had expected the same out of Mark, but instead he leaned down and began to ask the little girl about her action figure.

“But most little girls like Barbie,” he was saying.

The little girl-Gemma was her name-made a face at Mark as if the suggestion was preposterous. “Well, Barbie is cool, but action figures are so much better.”

“Are they now?” Jenny could practically hear the surprise in his voice. “And why is that?”

“Because action figures have superheroes like Captain America, Thor, Ant man.”

Jenny pretended to be reading something on her clipboard as she eyed the little brunette who was staring at Mark speculatively. For his part, Mark looked absolutely befuddled and couldn’t figure out what to do with a little girl who didn’t like Barbie’s.

“Who’s your favorite then?”

Gemma brought her hand up to her chin and gazed into the distance as if she was pondering a very serious question. “Captain America,” she announced finally, sounding quite pleased with herself.

“Why is that?”

“Because Captain America has only ever wanted to serve his country, even at the cost of his own life.”

Jenny noticed a flash out of the corner of her eye, and she visibly tensed until she remembered that there were supposed to be reports for this PR event. She discreetly took one step to the side, so that they could do their job, and she went over her to-do list for the day as she began checking off one by one. She scribbled down some notes as she zoned the conversation out as best as she could. When she sensed that the reports were done, she took a step closer, clicked her pen shut and knelt down, so she was at eye level with Gemma.

“Wise words for a little girl, Gemma.” Mark commented

Jenny had always thought so. She began to examine Gemma as she went through the normal medical procedures and noted down her vitals which were normal and healthy. “Are you tired, Gem? Do you want to go back to sleep?”

Gemma shook her head empathically. “No, I want to talk to Mark. He’s really nice, he said he could get us all the Marvel movies, so we could watch them,” she turned the force of her hazel eyes onto Jenny, who could already feel her resolve melting. “Can we please?”

“As long as you take all your meds, eat and spend a good amount of time outside, that’s fine with me.”

Gemma threw her arms around Jenny in a hug so fierce, Jenny was momentarily knocked back by the force. Jenny pattered her head soothingly. “Remember what we always say?”

“Women are just as strong as men,” Gemma said as she gave her a toothy grin. “And I can do anything I set my mind to.”

“Atta girl.” Gemma gave Jenny a high five before scampering off to play with the other kids.

Chapter 4

Jenny had forgotten that Mark was there until he cleared his throat next to her. He had stood up and was leaning against the wall, watching her with an amused grin playing on his lips.

“Dare I ask what that was about?”

Jenny stood up and brushed the dust off her pants. “What are you talking about?”

Mark pushed himself off the wall. “Oh, come on now. Don’t play dumb with me. You’re trying to teach her to be a feminist, at her age.”

Jenny faced his gaze directly. “Women ARE just as strong as women, and I don’t want society’s labels confining her.”

Mark held his hands up in mock surrender. “Easy there, Rocky. I never said she should be limited, but don’t you think it’s a bit early?”

Jenny cocked her head to the side. “No, it’s not early. Besides I just asked her what she wanted to be, and we got to talking, she’s the one who came up with that, not me. I wish I had though.”

Mark chuckled. “So you want me to believe that a seven-year-old is the ring leader of your little feminist cult?”
