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Jenny shot him an amused glance. “First of all, it was her idea. Second, she is not a ring leader and third, this isn’t a feminist cult,” she used air quotes for the last thing, and as they made their way outside the children’s ward, they began to walk brusquely down the corridors, heading nowhere in particular.

“It’s not a cult to want to fight for basic human rights, rights that men take for granted I might add,” she responded, trying to keep the curtness out of her voice. Of course he’d be glib about something like this. He was a privileged white male, he didn’t know what it was like for other people.

“I’m not just talking about women, I’m talking about other men too. Men who aren’t white.”

“Whoa, hey, what? Feminism is a feminist movement.”

Jenny abruptly stopped in her tracks, causing Mark to slam into her back. She wheeled around to face him. “Actually that’s a common misconception. It may have started out as a feminist movement, but it’s grown to encompass so much more than that-now it’s about equal rights for everyone.”

Mark paused. “But isn’t feminism basically women thinking they are better than everyone else?”

Jenny laughed. “No, that’s just extremism. Every movement has its fanatics, and feminism is no different. No, that isn’t the true essence of feminism.”

Mark considered this carefully. “I didn’t know that.” He eyed her for a minute before continuing. “Can we continue this inside your office? I’d like to discuss making a donation for the children.”

A delighted smile lit up Jenny’s face as she gestured for him to follow her. They made their way down the hallway and stopped outside her office. Jenny opened the door and groped for the light switch as they sat down opposite each other.

For the next fifteen minutes they discussed how much money he wanted to donate, what he wanted to be done with it and possible alternatives. He actually had a lot of great ideas, and he knew exactly how to maximize the potential of the sum that they were getting. He promised he’d tell his friends about donations as well.

Jenny leaned back in her chair and smiled at him, wondering why it seemed like there were two different sides to this man.

Mark reached into his wallet and took out a cheque which he filled out before handing it to her.

“Thank you. This really does mean a lot to the kids,” she responded as she opened the top drawer and placed it there, fully intending on presenting it to the board later to show them that it wasn’t so hopeless after all. The kids would be so happy too.

“I wanted to ask you something,” Mark said finally a while later as he stood up before strolling towards her.

“Sure.” Jenny said, evenly wondering what he was up to.

“Do you ever think about that night?”

All the time she thought to herself. “Sometimes,” she offered as she watched him move closer.

“I think about it a lot, I usually don’t sleep with the same woman twice, but you-” He dropped his voice and leaned in, so his face was right in front of hers. “You I’d make an exception for.”

“Um, well I-” He brought a finger up to her lips. “Shh,” he said as he began to trace her lower lip. “Don’t over think it, just say yes.”

“I don’t think I should,” she forced out as she tried to keep her senses about her.

“Why not?” He took her hand and began to kiss it gently, making his way up her arm causing her breathing to become labored.

“Because we want different things.”

Mark shrugged as he began to nibble on her neck. “For one night, we don’t have to.”

“I, don’t-oh,” her eyelids fluttered closed as he began to nibble on her ear causing her to grip the arm rest tighter.

“Try saying yes,” he murmured into her ear as he began kissing the very sensitive vein in her neck. Jenny shuddered helplessly as her mind began to scramble to remind her why she shouldn’t indulge.

Her hands came up to wrap themselves around his neck, completely of their own accord, and her traitorous body began to respond to his touch as she waged her inner battle.

“I never did forget the color of your hair,” he murmured as he twirled a lose strand between his thumb and forefinger. “The color of a fading sunset.”

Jenny had always hated her hair, but somehow he made her feel like it was glorious. One hand began to make idle patterns on her neck while the other rested on the small of her back doing the same.

One of her hands ventured down over the slope of his back and rested just above his hips. Her fingers hovered over the edge of his shirt before they snaked their way underneath.

He shuddered at her touch before capturing his lips with hers. She quietly moaned in the back of her throat as he gently kicked her legs open and stood in between them. She pushed herself closer as she felt that fire that had consumed her 5 years ago begin to rage once more.
